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All the girls were giggling while putting haldi on each other with some spice of gossip and teasing... Unaware of the fact that there ohh soo handsome husbands are looking at them forgetting there world..

Haldi ceremony had literally came to an end except the playing of these girls.. All of them were in the inner garden of the palace  .While ashok stood on the second floor holding the railing looking keenly at his beautiful wife and love sunaina whom he call as "naina".. He was noticing her every move.. Her beautiful smile and that naked waist .. Only he knows how badly he want to put haldi on every part of her body that also only him

Ashok was happily lost in beautiful thoughts of his wife..forgetting everything.. When suddenly two men came and stood beside him.. Which was still an unknown fact for him.. Both the men looked at ashok and singneld each other asking what happened to him .. But none had an answer.. Then they both followed his eyes and understood the reason of him being lost.. They both smiled at each other and came closer to ashok.. Slowly both of them put there hands around his neck and said . . "It's too bad to eye your bhabhis and our sister.. "

Ashok schocked suddenly hearing voices around him.. He immediately came out of his trance and looked at his bhaisa harshavardhan and on the other side his childhood friend.. But he is same age of his brother so he always respected him as his brother out of the courtroom.. Who is none other than surya.. Both of them had a michevoius smile on there face.. Ashok hurridly defended himself and said " No no bhaisa you guys are taking me wrong i am not staring at my bhabhis.. I can never do that even in my dreams.. I respect them as my mother.. Trust me bhaisa.. I was looking at nain.. I mean sunaina.. " .. Surya immediately pulled his neck near him and asked.. "So you are excepting you are staring at our little sister.. Hmm " Surya teased him badly.. Ashok got little shy and looked down... Scratching the back of his neck...

"Chii chii.. Too bad what will our mother think.. After she come to know that his own little son is bad eyeing his own wife.
My little brother what have you done... " Harsh teased him.. Ashok was dumbfoundely looking at his brothers that.. " Did he committed a crime by staring at his own wife.... He was countinuesly staring at his brothers.. Then only they started laughing hard looking at his expression.. Ashok understood they were teasing him.. He immediately removed both of there's hand away from his neck and said "this was worst joke bhaisa's.. Not done you...

Three men were busy in friendly banter on the second floor when suddenly there attention diverted in the garden again after hearing the sweet voice of there sister chanda " Bhabhisa's i am leaving you guys also goo " ... All of them nodded there head and chanda immediately left draping her chunri around her body as her clothes were completely wet . . Patrlekha, maitri and sunaina.. Stood there uttering few words to each other and smiling... All three of them lift the dupatta covering there front chest and twisted the cloth straining  water of out and this act let there body exposed to the three men gawking at there beautiful wifes making them crazy.. Three of them immediately held the railing looking at the beautiful wifes..

" It was soo fun isn't it.. " Sunaina said and both the girls nodded there head agreeing to her words.. " Bhabhisa why don't we guys get ready together in one room.. Suggested patrlekha excitedly.. Maitri also instantly held her hand and said " Definitely it will be soo fun.... Let's do this.. Come let's go to my room.. She said excitedly "  .. Both the other girls looked at each other and said.. " But what if bhaisa come there or have any important work " .."  Let's do one thing let's go to my room " Suggested sunaina..
" What if Ashok bhaisa come there both the girls again said at a time.... Suddenly patrlekha said.. " If three of us go to our room there is thousand percent chances that our husbands might come.. So why don't we go to some other room like guest room Or anything and order our maids to bring our clothes there only.. That way none of the male will come to disturb us and we can freely enjoy our time .. What say " Both the girls immediately got happy and had group hug getting excited.. Forgetting that there husbands are looking at them only but can't hear there conversation and they are also getting crazy due to there messed up states... All three girls coverd there body by the head cover duppata and left from there to the other part of the palace wing.. ..

Three men noticed all of there reactions of getting happy.. Tensed.. Excited.. Again happy... Then the group hug and little jump.. They also noticed how there wife's wet clothes were sticking to there body like a second skin . . How there clothes were messed up and the haldi spread on there skin here and there.. .. There this state didn't helped in hiding the last night love marks on there clevage, neck and little bit on there waist.. This all were proving that all three of them were roughly ravished by there husbands last night.. Which was a proud for these men..

All three brothers looked at each other with a smile and immediately left in three different directions for there room to meet there sexy wife and gave a little punishment for them standing like that in middle of the garden . . But they didn't knew that this is not going to be a easy task.. All three of them reached there room in few minutes but to there surprise no one was present in there room.. They immediately rush of there room and started looking for there wife which was not a easy task as tonight the wedding was going to happen and everyone was preparing for it and add on lots of guests were there to meet and greet them which was not avoidable... Like this half an hour or more got wasted but they were not able to find there wifes.. All three suddenly came back to the point a only by searching.. " I didn't find my wife.. " All three utterd at the same time..."  What seriously " Three again utterd.... There eyes we're still going here and there.. When suddenly they heard the singing sound of the ladies and immediately looked on the other side of the window on the opposite of garden and saw.. Chanda in a white colour lehnga holding a kalash in her hand and other ladies were also accompanying her singing songs.. And as expected there wifes were also present there.. Maitri in a peach colour lehnga looking serene.. Sunaina in a maroon colour lehnga looking exotic and patrlekha in purple lehnga looking magnificent.. All laughing and giggle with chanda.. Mother and other lady relatives.. They didn't knew that there husbands are getting restless for there one glance...

Chanda did the ritual and all of them left to her room as it's nearly evening and they have to do lots if preparation... And the men were still looking at them until the were gone from there site.. The sighed and turned around suddenly a guard came and greeted them.. They all acknowledged it and the guard utterd . . Sir queen mother hard orderd all of you to... The guard hesitated . . Harsh looked at him and said.. " What say.. Why are you hesitating.. " Hearing his rough word  he looked up and said.. Sir queen mother has orderd all of you to stop staring at your wifes and do the other work " .. He hurridly utterd this bowed down and literally ran away from there.. Before they could even utter a word as they were schocked that there maasaa noticed them and sent a guard to say this ohh God.. That also forgetting there reputation... . .

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