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As soon as the guard ran away.. Ashok shighed and said.. " All of these happened because of you two " .. Both of them looked at him and said " How come this is our fault.. What wrong we did " ..
" I was happily watching my beautiful wife.. But you two had to come and disturb me and as a result they got vanished and now maasaa also saw us staring at them.. And even sent a guard to say this.. How embarrassing is this.. Bhaisa's " Ashok answered back..

" Soo what even we lost our wives.." Surya immediately said.. " And what is embarrassing.. We were staring at our wife only not on any other lady so calm down " Saying this harsh put his hand around his shoulder and surya held his hand and left from there while dragging Ashok..

On the other side all the girls did the last ritual of chanda's marriage and let her sit in her own room..until they prepared the wholy bath for her with the help of maids as after sometimes it will start getting dark.. So they prepared everything and help chanda in entering the bathing area.. And slowly all the maids came and put sandel paste on her body and one by one she was bathed in milk, rose water, plain water and finally after a long time her bath was done..

Chanda was bought in her room and was made to sit on chair... While few maids were wiping her body.. Few were wiping her long hairs and others were putting cented smoke in her hair... While her few beautiful bhabhi's were confirming wether everything is present as per her wedding dress and needs.. After confirming everything ...three of them left from her room.... As they also have to get ready..

Three of them were walking towards there room when sunaina said while laughing " Did you guys saw.. How massa noticed them looking at us.. That was such a perfect sight.. "  Hearing her words other two also laughed .. " I don't know since how long they were staring at us " Asked maitri.. " Even we didn't know " Confirmed patrlekha .. " Guys i have an idea " Said excited sunaina.. Other two looked curiously at her.....

" So let's do one thing.. All of us will ignore our husbands today.. Till the marriage ends and we will also try to jealous them a little.. Mind it little only otherwise it will be too much for us only..
Soo let's  do this.. They will be crazy fir our attention and will walk behind us on every step we will take.. What say "

Maitri thought for a minute and said " Perfect.. This is just perfect sunaina. Rajasaa has disturbed me allot in these three months and also after his arrival.. So he needs to get punished and this will be one of the most perfect plan " Maitri said excitedly and joined hands with sunaina.. But when they didn't saw the third hand joined them.. They look at the right and saw patralekha fondling with her dupatta end and looking nervous.. Both of them took a step toward her and said.. What happened join us...

Patralekha looked up and said " what if this plan won't work and he gets angry then what i will do.. " Maitri smiled hearing her words , held her hand said.. " Your eyes express how much you love him.. Don't worry we will do in limit only nothing else okh.. " Sunaina nodded her head confirming maitri's words and said "we now how much you love surya bhaisa but now let's see how much he loves you.. " Saying this they held her hand and all three Nodded her head with a michevoius smile.. While on the other side men got ready to attend the guests and other things unaware of the fact that there wife's had planned to distrub them today..

All three of them got ready and were busy in attending guests and relatives.. When suddenly three of them decided to meet there wife... No matter what as last when they saw there wife were in the morning in haldi ceremony.. After that.. It looks like that they have got vanished in thin air.. Harsh immediately excused himself and headed toward his room.. Fastly acknowledging all the greets he got on the path.... On the other side ashok also did the same and surya also went toward his room doing the same...

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