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Maitri was sitting on the sofa chair in the main bedroom....she didn't knew why... But she felt like crying.. He is again not here.. When he knew that today she is going to cook for the first time. But wait it's only two and half month of the marriage.. He is present or not why is this effecting me that much... She thought... But again he is your husband he has to be there isn't it the minimum i am asking for... She again thought..
But again he is a king not only your husband... How could you forget that you didn't marry a common man.. Her inner self mocked her..

But with all these thoughts.. She again went on with her overthinking and forgot about the time but she came to a conclusion.. That first he is a human and he need to eat, to keep himself working.. Thinking this she got up and she looked out the window.. Probably after a hour the sun will start sheeting...

It's already been two hours.. When everyone had lunch and he also said that he will come... Still he didn't came... This is to much... I have to do something..

She got up... Fixed her dupatta and everything and with a final check in the mirror... She headed out... Seeing maitri leaving the chamber...with rage in her eyes... Sobha instantly asked.... What happened.. Where are you going and you still didn't had lunch... Ignoring all her question.. Maitri asked while walking with a aura.. Did your king came for or lunch... No he still didn't came.. Sobha hurriedly answered literally running behind her queen trying to match her walking pace...

But where are you going... With all these worked up aura... Too bring my husband to have his food and you are following me... Without any question saying this she descended the big stairs... Making all the guards bow at her...

Usually it took thirty minutes for maitri.. To come down from the upper most area of the palace.. We're her chamber is present.. As the highest place of the palace.. Is only for them... To the main area of the palace... But today she covered this distance within fifteen minutes.. Ignoring every greetings on her way..

Surya came in view of maitri and she hurriedly asked him.. Excuse me...can you tell me where is your king... Greeting my Queen yes he is busy with ministers.. Discussing over few things.. Surya said with a genuine smile. Umm can you show me the area.. Where he is if you don't mind... She asked hesitantly. She has saw Surya in her wedding and while the trip when she was comming to mewar... And she also noticed.. That most of the time her husband is with him.. So she felt secure asking him this.. You are already near the place.. Just few more steps and there is the big sitting area,. Surya said leading the way and broking her trance... The walked and within few minutes she stood in front of the very big gates... And guards were guarding the door..

Should i make the announcement of your arrival.. Surya asked again. No need she said with a smile and pushed the door opening it wide.. And entered inside the sitting area with a aura.. Ignoring everyone she looked at her husband.. Who had a amused look.. She took one more step and directly asked.. Without any fear.. Have you seen the time... Hain..

Come let's go.. Saying this she held his  hand and dragged him from the throne.. And harshavardhan being a lost puppy happily walked behind her.. He liked the way she came... Talked with a fire in her eyes and showed her right on him. It's not good to break your words.. When you are yourself a king.. She said while helding his wrist and took him with her.

The court is dismissed he said with a authoritative voice and again walked with her.. In her right hand maitri held his wrist and in her left hand she held her lehnga and walked toward there chamber.... Everyone was shocked seeing there king literally fallowing there queen and getting dragged without any hesitation... Everyone bowed in respect and he nodded... Acknowledging there greetings...

But maitri it looked like she is in trance.. She didn't saw anything the only thing that matters that... Does her things.. Her doings doesn't matters at all. The night he confessed his  love .. Was that only for her body.. Not actual feelings... Or she might be overthinking... She should not think.. This much.. She consoled herself .

That's it.. For today do vote and comment and sorry for mistakes and do try my other stories.. And do vote them and comment

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