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All the girls descended stairs with bride in the middle. Chanda stood in front of temple and kept the kalash in front of God and headed toward the canopy ( mandap) . Soon wedding got over with bride and groom tied with each other for seven life's with seven vows.

Everyone blessed the newly married couple and then they had a grand feast, it was nearly midnight when they decided to leave with the bride but harshavardhan stopped them for safety purpose and asked them to leave in the morning.

Chanda's room was immediately decorated for her first night as the groom procession decided to leave next morning with the bride. So there first night will be celebrated over here only. Maitri was busy in instructing maids to prepare everything properly where as sunaina and patrelekha were busy in preparing chanda for the night obviously with lot if teasing and fun..

After confirming everything is ready maitri decided to go and check on chanda for once. As she turned to leave, patrelekha and sunaina entered in the room with chanda looking etheral.. " Ohh my god look someone is looking soo beautiful.."maitri said smiling. Chanda looked down feeling shy.."I am sure raja saa wont be able to remove his from you miss beautiful" Sunaina teased making chanda all red "Look like someone is gonna have a sleepless night "again Patrelekha teased making chanda more red and the whole room echoed with there laughter ....

Soon a maid entered inside the room disturbing there laughter and said rani saa all the males are comming, hearing this information all of them immediately helped chanda to sit on the bed and covered her head properly . After fixing everything three of them immediately went toward the entrance of the room and stood there....

Harsh, ashok, surya, sekhar and few other men came with the groom to drop him to his room.. But to there suprise three beautiful lady were standing in entrance blocking there way. Three honored husband of these three beautiful ladies were aww struck once again seeing there beautiful wifes. No matter how many times they look at there beauty, everytime there heart goes crazy like the very first time.

Harsh and surya was standing silently with a smirk on there face for there wife.
Others were laughing and teasing satyam for his first night. Satyam took a step toward the entrance and the girls to took a step forward to stop him as a result satyam took a step back. Three of them were intimidated by there husband's eyes still the gathered the courage and stood firmly " What ?? Let our king enter inside his chamber " Ashok said looking at sunaina..

"Huh!!!! Its not that easy , to see our beautiful bride " Answered sunaina with big big eyes.. "Ohh then can you guys explain how much difficult it is " Asked ashok with a mischievous smile. " Okay then listen, you guys need to pay the entry fee then only jamai saa can enter the chamber " Patrlekha said excitedly ...

Surya was going to say something but sehkar answers before him and said " Ohh then bride should also pay for meeting our handsome groom "and everyone laughed hearing his words.. While surya's blood boiled because him..
" Shut up.. Sekhar what nonsense you are speaking " Patrelekha said little irritated which looked cute for Surya but the world only "sekhar" Didn't got unnoticed by him..

All of them were busy in arguing which was more like flirting for the men and they were getting angry as hell, but somehow keep controlling themselves...
" Enough of all these, everyone is tired let them also rest " Harsh said in no nonsense tone.. Patrelekha and sunaina also looked at there husband's which had same irritating expression on there face..

"Pay us and you can enter that's it " Said maitri.." Yes" Said patrelekha and sunaina in union.. " Maiu if beautiful girls like you will ask for anything.. Do we men dare to say noo.. Obviously not " Sekhar said more like flirted and a beautiful smile crept on there faces.." "Okh okh  enough say bhabhisaa's how much you all want " Satyam asked politely to finish this all as soon as possible. "Common bhaisaa you cheated us " Sekhar said dramatically.. Soon satyam paid there amount and he entered inside while the men left first..
And girls came after giving few instructions to the maid...

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