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Harshavardhan's pov:

I woke with a intense headache and dry throat... I adjusted my eyes for the light coming in my room through balcony and windows. Fuck last night I slept while drinking only. I don't  know why sometimes I can't control my emotions and get drunk...wish someday someone would stop me from drinking but again it's just a wish which will never be a reality... Leave it let's get ready I am already late for my morning practice. I clapped my hands and two servent came running... Prepare my bath and my clothes for practice and inform surya that today no court will be heald as I am not feeling right... Saying this I stood from my bed and went to the bathing area.

I did my morning practice but I was not able to concentrate due to yesterday nights marriage talk and this headache is working as fuel in fire I came back to my chamber did got freshed and wear new clothes... I was reading some documents then only surya entered my chamber. He looked at me with questioning gaze  I raised my eyebrow and said what?

Are you okh... You look like something is bothering  you tell me what happened? Asked surya I just moved my head negatively  and said nothing.. Are you thinking about your marriage talk from yesterday night. Now don't ask who told me obviously your mother and asked me to convince you... Said surya

I just let a sigh and kept the documents on the table and walk toward my balcony  and stand there with my hands folded back... I looked outside it's beautiful till the distance my eyes can see is all my territory my kingdom which has everything I created all these with my hardwork and continues fighting of battles winning over the kingdom. I rule over all the North and little of South. In total I have 40 villages under me and ten sub kings who work for me.

Everyone can see all these luxury and beautiful kingdom but nobody can see the ruthless warrior who doesn't have any emotions .. Who want to possess everything is also created by this continues battles and hard life which was pushed down my throat being the elder son and former king.

Say something....suddenly I came out of ny thoughts and heard surya.. Ohh he was hear asking me to get married.

You know how I am apart from a true and respectful king . I am a ruthless person I am obsessive and possesive about things or person.. Which will creat problem for someone who will enter in my life as a wife. I know once I will get married a thought will be set in my mind that she is mine and only mine.. Which will not be liked by anyone.. So why should I destroy someone else life.... And nobody will care for me and love me like my mom as nowadays girls like luxury freedome and that's it..

But you are a king and you have responsibility of bringing a heir  to the kingdom... For your people and for yourself also and I know there will be definitely someone for you who will like you love you care for you and ready to be submissive toward you. . Think about this and leave everything on destiny and go with the flow said surya... I just nodded and inform him I have already said yes for the marriage so dont worry.

You will get to enjoy my wedding ... Both of us laughed and he left  from there leaving me alone with my thoughts..

Who are you... Where are you.. Will you except my possessiveness toward you.. Will you except me who am I.

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