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Harshavardhan's  pov :

It has been days that my maasa let the news of my marriage, and i told her to select one then finally I will approve. Because nothing happens without my approval and common this is my own marriage isn't it obvious.

I love the control and power I have over everyone and why not this is all my hard earned. I didn't got all of these in legacy except a small part but that small part  was the base of the person today I am.

Today after my morning practice a maid came and inform me that maa and baba sa want to meet me and select the final girl... So they can proceed with the marriage proposal.

I told her to inform them that I will meet them in evening after my work. So hear after the meeting with finance minister I am going to meet them. I don't know why I am nervous it's just about selecting a girl who will be queen of this kingdom, daughter in law of this family . She will enjoy all the luxury and I promise myself I will take care of all her needs. It's not like she is gonna love me Or anything else so there is nothing to think that much.

Babasa I called my father both my parents looked at me with a smile.. But there was one more person I don't know him. They had few portraits in there hand... Probably these are the pictures of the girl let's see who are they.

See these are the five princess I have selected for you and all of them are so beautiful and he is the one who will tell you about those girls. So listen to him intently and tell us your final decision.

This is the princess of South princess ramakanta. she is fair skin with good knowledge of household. She has a figure like swan.And if you marry her you will get lot of diamonds as her kingdom has lot of diamonds factory. They are really rich .  He finished but I didn't like anything about her.. Yes she is beautiful but that's it and she is from rich kingdom as much as I know her father is a greedy person who still like to marry young girls. It's a big no like these he told me about all four princess but I didn't like one don't know why.

That's it king now you can choose anyone  you like from all these princess .... Wait you didn't told him about fifth princess she is also the one we choose said my father interrupting him but sir she doesn't belong to that big kingdom and she is not that beautiful she is a no match for our king.

You just need to do your job said my mother angrily. But....said that informer didn't you hear what they are saying do as they are saying otherwise ....i threatened him no no mercy king I am showing he said and opened the last portrait that's breath got stuck in my chest these eyes the stole something from me dont know what but they did stole something. I feel like I always want those eyes to look for me find me that's it. I don't want anything else and it's like I can't see anything else except those eyes.

She is rajkuwari maitri of awadh I came out of the trance hearing her name she is born after two brothers so she is the most pampered one . She has most beautiful eyes but she is fat I glared at the informer...i mea...mean little chubby he said. She is a educated and know sword fighting means self defence. But she is from a very small kingdom.

You can leave saying this I dismissed him. I know her once I went out of our kingdom as a commoner but our enemy came to know about me and attacked me but some how awadhs king rescued me and took me too his palace and treated me till the day I got fit and there I saw her daughter maitri she was beautiful and fun loving. I wanted to tell them who am I but I thought they might think that I came there to take information about them so I can attack them that's why I didn't told my real identity and left from there. Said my father
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