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Everything was set for the performance of new queen as new bride of mewar... The setup was placed in the inner palace, only for ladies and males of the family..
Everyone was already present for the performance but the performer and the main audience was missing...

sunaina and chanda asked maitri to  leave with them... For the performance and acknowledging there request she started moving with them... As the were walking towards the inner palace with few maids.. All of them were busy in chit chating and giggling about the event of harsh coming in front of everyone holding maitri's hand and maitri was continuously blushing hearing them.. But

She suddenly heard a slow whimpering and instantly turned around but she saw no one... But she was sure she heard someone.. She thought.. Maitri let's go why are you standing there said chanda dragging her... But did you heard someone... She again asked chanda... No maitri there is no one let's leave saying this they all left for inner palace dragging maitri...

After few minutes maitri and the girls entered the inner palace... Chanda took her seat beside her maasa and sunaina sat beside ashok... Who instantly held her hand.. Sunaina tried to free her hand and said... " What are you doing everyone is there.. Someone will ses us "
Ashok looked at her with a smirk and said... You look too beautiful naina and today i didn't even got chance to be with you properly.. Let me feel you like this.. Rest i will do after maitri's performance.. In our bedroom... Instantly she became red and looked aside... Not wanting to argue anymore..

Maitri standing in the middle looked around and everyone was settled on there respective place.. But the highest position of her husband was still empty..
He will again not come for my performance.... But this is my first performance i wanted him to see my performance.. I wanted him to be present here... All these thoughts were running in her mind and she was silently standing in the middle... Seeing her standing like that looking toward the highest chair... Rupa understand and she said badibahu please start your performance.. The king must be on his way... Hering her maasa maitri nodded her head and slowly all the dancers came and stand behind maitri... She turned around and faced the dancers and took her position and started dancing...

She was dancing so gracefully that all the onlookers were aww struck... There was no vulgarity in her dance... Everyone started enjoying her devine dance. Maitri was so emerged in dancing that forgot her surroundings... Even raatna was awestruck seeing her dancing like that...



HARSHAVARDHAN got stuck with the kings who work under him and completely forgot about his wife... But to his rescue as always surya came and informed him about Queen's performance so he hurriedly dismissed everyone and left with surya for the inner palace... You know i should stop reminding you every time then you will understand.... Surya said laughing.. Hey don't even think of doing that otherwise i will kill you..harsh said holding his hand and dragged  him toward inner palace..

He reached to the gate of open area were maitri was performing...seeing him the guard was about to announce but harsh declined him and ordered him to leave... Voice of folk music reached his ear... And heavy sound of anklet reached his ears..
The moment he entered his eyes fall on the gracefully dancing girl... Seeing her i forgot to breath the way her body was swaying... That was something really graceful.. Being a king he has seen many girls dancing but this... This is something devine... He thought and stand around his chair and continued gawking her body from up to down... But suddenly possessiveness hit him and he felt like removing everyone's eyes from her and hid here somewhere only fir her.. So he slowly steeped down his thron and stated walking toward her...

Maitri was busy in dancing gracefully and forgot her surrounding... She has been dancing from quite a long time... And finally she started twirling in speed like a flower... But she felt a presence and thd moment there eyes locked she felt a hand around her waist and she was pulled into something hard and that was non other than harsh...
Harshavardhan saw her twirling when he reached her and the moment her eyes locked with him... He pulled her toward himself in front of everyone.. Her chest was moving up and down and slightly open mouths, uneven breathing... This look was doing things to him... So he shouted in a high pitched voice....

EKANT and taking King's order everyone left living them only in the big open courtyard... But suddenly it started pouring making them all wet.. Both of them were startled with this rain common winters are starting then why this sudden rain....... But still stood there looking in each other eyes

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