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Maitri ran from there hurriedly without turning back.. And entered a near by room closing the door she cried holding her mouth... What the hell was that.. Did he really bought a new wife but he didn't inform anyone.. But didn't you saw how he was holding her hand .. And he was standing like that in front of whole palace then isn't it Obvious  there is something.. But why.. Why me.. I didn't do anything wrong.. He used to say he love me and he can never love again then what's this why this.. I didn't even confess my love to him.... Why just why he returned after such a long time that also like this..
Matri just kept crying questioning her fate .....

After crying for good time her inner self mocked her why are u crying like a child who lost his everything... Don't forgot he is a king.. Isn't it obvious for him to marry many princess.. This is only second who knows there is lot more.. So stop this be like the queen you are and welcome them... Hering her inner self and convincing herself that this is her duty.. Personal emotions later.. She wiped her face.. Fix her clothes and after fixing everything she opened the door and came out and headed toward the main sitting area.. On the way she heard many girls saying.. New bride is beautiful
Our king got second marriage and all which was piercing her heart but with emotionless face she stopped a maid and asked where is everyone..

Queen they all headed to the common sitting area... And queen mother was looking for you... Nodding her head maitri started walking toward her destination... But right now she want this walk to never end... She don't want to reach near him... Can she run and hide in her father's arm.. But she can't she is a queen isn't it.. And thats it she reached the sitting area and she heard all the laughter and everything.. She entered and the moment she entered she felt all gaze on her but one was intense and she knew who it was.. But she didn't looked for once in his direction.. She smiled and sat beside rupa and sunina...

As it's a double happiness let's continue the sangeet ceremony..and celebrate the double happiness.. But this time all together all the family members.. Her father in law said making Everyone all happy and excited... Suddenly few dancers and musicians came......foods and drinks were served.. Everyone was happy and enjoying.... Sunina performed again with the dancers and everyone praised her for her beautiful dance.........

Maitri now you should perform.. Others said forcing maitri... She helplessly looked at her mother in law she nodded her head and said go beta atleast this way you can express your emotions.. She got up and looked at the three beautiful ladies of her life and stand in the center.. Still now she looked in a blank direction but not at him.. Only she knows ho badly she want to run to him and hug him tight
But controlling her emotions she started dancing...

She danced soo elegantly and beautiful.. Everyone praised her.. Everyone saw her beautiful moves and dance.. Only four people saw her sorrow... Chanda, sunaina, rupa and harshavardhan...
Her ignorance was killing him bit by bit..
Only he knows how he spent these months.. As he won't be able to control himself from running back to her.. He stopped her from written any letter.. Only he knows how many sleepless nights he spent in her memories.. Even after coming from battle ground he was not able to sleep.. Every little thing would remind him about her.. How desperate he is going for her.. Only he knows.. He want her just one look on him

Just one look is enough for him.. But nit this ignorance... He want to explain her everything but he can't..even though he doesn't want her to hbe in pain.. He is the only one who is giving her pain... Seeing her after these months felt like a dream to him.. That if he close his eyes even for a second.. She will vanish.. He registered her every move in his mind.. He know she was expressing her sadness.. But the way those eyes.. Those curves were moving... It was doing something to him.. Which is impossible to control.... He kept staring at her.. And at that time he felt.. She has grown up more...mentally and physically both . ...

After her performance and praises.. Few more dance and song performance happened and then all the male headed toward the dinner table and woman also to serve them... All of them sat for the food.. And ladies started serving..sunaina rupa and maitri  were instructed all the maids ... Eating the homemade food after such a long time felt like a bliss to him....
Everyone was eating and chit chating.. At  that time only.. Harsh dropped a bomb..

Babasa mamsa.. I want to announce something... Yes.. They said in union... I king harshvardhan is going to marry again.. That also to princess patrlekha .. Daughter of kushal naresh .. The women who came with me today... So prepare for my wedding tomorrow and i dont need any discussion on this... He said in his authorative tone.. Leaving no place for question..

I don't accept this... It's not even a year of your marriage and you are doing this.. Saying this.. His father left the food and got up leaving from there... Rupa ran behind her husband.. Saying i am with your father's decision.he knew all this will happen but he has to do this... He don't have any option... Please you guys continue eating sunaina.. Call the maids to bring more food... He came out of trance hearing maitri's voice.. He just sat there staring at her.. But she completely ignored his existence  . . Everyone left finishing there food and maitri didn't even touched the food even after sunaina's requests.. And she left for her chamber....

Harshvardhan saw all these and wanted to feed her with his own hand pulling her in his lap.. But he can't do that know.. But why she is bringing her anger on food... But aren't u the sole reason for all these.. His inner self mocked him.... You know what.. I hate her jwellery's.. I hate her dress... They are always close to her body.. Without any problem but look at me.. I can't even look at her properly... Ohh God i want to be her dress.. Her breath which goes inside her body.. God i beg you in next life male me her dress and jwellery i won't ask for anything else God please....

That's it... Do vote and comment it means allot please... Bye bye

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