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He slowly put her down and she angrily walk away from him.. But within a sudden he held the dupatta covering her head and she  turned her head and angrily look at him.. But with a naughty smile he pulled the dupatta again and this time it fall from her head .. Ignoring his action .. She lifted her lehnga and walk few more steps toward the railing of the balcony..

Holding the dupatta in his hand.. He bring his hand near his nose and took a deep breath taking her smell.. He instantly closed his eyes for a minute and that moment he felt he is alive again after months of being in that blood and sweat... Opening his eyes he again walk toward her and saw her standing facing the wind and looking at the full moon ..

He walked and stand close to her.. The moment she felt his presence.. She tried to move around but he instantly held her in a place and wrapped his hand around her waist.. She still kept resisting for sometime.. But harsh still held her tight..
After few minutes she finally calm down and relaxed...

Stop being soo angry.. Please i am seeing you after soo many months.. I missed you
I missed your everything.. I don't know how should i explain this but i left a part of mine over here and when i came back your ignorance killed me more.. Those hatred in your eyes.. We're killing me more.. I expected you to shout on me... Question me but you did nothing.. And you doing nothing was already doing everything on me.. Mentally and physically..

She kept listening his words closing her eyes.. Feeling the Sincerity in his each words.. Specifically the thing he did now.. He took such a big oath in front of everyone.. Without thinking of anything and anyone.. What else can i ask for but why didn't he informed her about his plans.. She could have help him or she shouldn't have hate me so much and question his love for her...

When suddenly these questions came in her mind.. She again became defensive and removing his hand she walked away again.. Seeing her walking away.. That also after explaining everything.. He got confused and again tried to hold her and this time.. He held the dupatta wrapped around her body.. She again turned around feeling the tug on her shoulder and looked at him with big glossy eyes..

Seeing her those glossy eyes.. Which held complain more than any doubt and question.. He understood and smiled..
Seeing him smiling she got angry and turned around but again he pulled her dupatta but this time harder than last time.. Feeling the tug again she turned around looked at those beautiful eyes.. And they kept staring at each other..

While staring at those beautiful eyes he took a step toward her.. Holding her dupatta .. Her trance was broken when she saw him moving.. And she instantly turned around and the dupatta wrapped around her body was removed from her .

That big open terrace in front of the top most place of the palace and at little more distance there stood the biggest chamber of the palace.. There chamber
And outside the chamber this big terrace
And on the terrace stood harsh holding one end of her dupatta with a smile on his face and other end of dupatta tugged in her lehnga.. And full moon in the sky witnessing this beautiful moment..

She pulled the dupatta from the corner of her waist tugged in her lehenga  .. While staring in his eyes.. Slowly she bought the corner of ger dupatta and let it goo.. And stood straight in front of him
only wearing lehnga and blouse and all those jewellery... Without any dupatta and her body shinning due to the moonlight.. She turned around ignoring his stare and walk away..

Her this side was doing something to her..i didn't involved in you this plan because then you wouldn't show that hatred toward me and anybody could doubt us.. Now don't think that you became mature and all.. Obviously you did matured but the day i stepped in the palace and the way you came running only to see me.. That was the best thing ever i can ask for but at that moment i saw the maitri i married.. The girl i fell for.. That's why i wanted you to be natural that's why didn't informed you nothing else.. Please i beg you to trust me
He said a little louder this time so she could easily hear me.. Hearing his words she halted her steps and turned around

He walk toward her taking long strides and held her hands and said trust me please.. And tears fell from his eyes.. He instantly wiped his tears leaving her hand and instantly turned around walking away . . It's my fault.. There must be some fault in my love that she is not able to trust my intentions and words..
Seeing him walking away.. She lifted her lehnga and ran toward him and hugged him tight from behind.. Closing her eyes she kept her head on his back and he closed his eyes feeling her touch.. Which created a vibration in his whole body .

I trust you.. I trust your words it's just that i was upset you could have involved me that's it.. She said breathing heavily
He removed her hand and turned around.. Holding her shoulder he said i an sorry i am really sorry for everything
I really don't know what else could i do to make you believe me.. Nothing she instantly answered and again said i believe you.. Saying this she kissed his chest.. Feeling her lips on his bare skin
He instantly held her waist and pulled her toward himself...

Don't play with the fire if you don't know how to control it.. He said in his husky voice.. Both of them felt her chest being pressed in his hard chest..she pressed herself more into him and said.. Trust me right now i only want to play in this fire and burn myself in its heat completely..

I hope you know what you are saying and what it can lead to.. And trust me  there is no turning back after this.. He said staring intently in her eyes and with the left hand he rubbed her lips and with  right hand he pulled her more into him
She shuddered feeling his fingers on her lips rubbing it and there body completely pressed against each other feeling every body part of each other...


I know i know i updated after such a long time and making you guys wait soo much but i am not getting time as doing my degree and preparing for professional exam both is difficult and plus other functions trips and lot more... But leave all these... Enjoy the story and ya doo vote and comment sweetheart

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