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You should leave... There is something important... Maitri said slowly looking at his chest getting all shy.. Harsh pulled her more into him and there naked chest stick together.. Giving different shapes and form to her boobs.. They both moaned feeling ecstatic... No i don't want to go...he said.. Kissing her head... No go
They must be waiting for you.. She again argued and this time he took her lips and sucked it.. And bite it hard and left it with a tug... She became all red and shy.. He kissed her forehead.. Get down of the bed and she instantly coverd herself..

He wore his kurta and said.. I am not done with you... The night is long.. Wait for me.. Saying this he again kissed her and left from there... She smiled hearing his words and remembered what happened few minutes back... That was intense.. Hot and beautiful.. She got red and shy.. And instantly coverd her head with covers..

On the other side... Surya kumar and ashok was sitting with a tensed face... With few other ministers... Suddenly door opened and entered harsh with annoyed and angry face.. Surya it better should be important... Otherwise i dont know  what i would do... Said harsh in his rough tone.. I think we have to leave for war.. Said Surya making harsh confused and then harsh looked at ashok
He also nodded his head as yes. But why.. What happened.. Asked harsh getting angry...

Our messenger has sent information that king of West king padmanabhan has started his journey to reach our border to attack us... And you know how much of a bastard he is ...... And our subordinate king.. Wont be able to handle him alone... So we have to lead this war and our half of the army is sent to kushalnaresh king of South...princess chanda's in laws for help... Even if we call them now.. It will take  atleast three weeks to reach here and we can't wait that long.. So what should we do.. Asked Surya and ashok... After thinking for a while.. Harshavardhan said..

Take the army present in the kingdom and tell them after two hours we will head for the war... If we start now.. We will reach near them before they reach our boarders.. And yes Surya u will come with me... But bhaisa you stay i will lead the war... Said ashok.. Ashok.. U know u will be a best king.. I am a born Soldier so ... I am ment for these wars and if something happen's to me.. Bhaisa don't said ashok getting angry.. Nothing will happen to me.. First listen to me.. So if something happen to me u will be the best king mewar can ever have... So stay here and take care of everyone specially maitri.. Okh saying this with a small smile Surya and harshavardhan left from there...

Surya addressed the army and prepared them for the war and after looking for all the necessity Surya and harsh were heading to get ready.. Look like someone was having fun in the heavan teased Surya with a sly smile.. What are u saying..said harsh... Ohh then what are these scratch marks on your neck and ears and the messed up state in which u came.. Surya uttered.. So what i was with my wife.. If u want find one fir yourself then.. You will also have these marks harsh teased back .. Okh okh.. Now go we have to prepare.. Said Surya...and meet me after one  hour okh.. Yes saying this Surya left from there and harsh headed to his room.. Now he felt like he has no energy to move..

The moment he entered his chamber he saw the most beautiful sight... His wife sleeping peacefully on bed.. Without any care for world. A smile spread his face seeing her like that.. He opened his kurta and join her on bed the moment her naked back touch his skin.. He felt the immense pleasure and feeling his heat she also turned in his arms and came more close to his chest and rubbed her face... Sleep baby sleep.. Saying this harsh patted her head and she slept again but sleep was far from his eyes.. He doesn't have courage to say this to her and dont want to leave... How would he stay without her... But the king and solder inside his was more strong and ge decided he will left without her information.. With a letter only..

After sometime he was all set to leave.. He got ready in his study to avoid waking her up.. But he want to take one last glance at her so after informing her parents and requesting them to look after his baby... He left for his chember to meet her.. And she was sleeping.. He climbed the stairs.. Stared at her face.. Removed the hairs from her face and kissed her whole face.. His eyes travel to her swollen red lips.. And he instantly took her lips in his mouth and sucked it..
When he felt her movement due to breathlessness he left her.. And she took deep breath and he once again kissing her forehead he climbed down the stairs and left the room but while leaving he knocked the vase and a loud sound echoed in the room he hurriedly picked up the vase .. Raja sa were are you going.. He heard her voice without looking back he left the room.

Maitri hurriedly wore her blouse and put one dupatta on her head and ran behind him without caring about her messed up state ... Which will make any man go crazy.. Rajasa.. Rajasa stop.. She kept shouting while running behind him and he kept walking ahead in a hope she hold him....

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