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Did we disturbed someone's private space ..... Hmm teased chanda.... Are no no actually we disturbed to love birds... Doing something something.... What do you think sobha... Am I right... Sunaina asked teasingly... It's nothing like that... We were... We're... Just sleeping maitri tried to correct them... Ohh ho.. What is this maitri you can't even wait till your first night... Hann sunaina saide fake glaring at maitri... And that also.. When tonight only you will have your first night....we didn't expect this from you maitri.... Chanda again said with a teasing smile... This all was continued till they prepared maitri for the rituals.

All the girls came at the male hall were rituals were held ....only ladies were thare as mens are not allowed in this except for the groom. Maitri with a big brown dupatta covering her full face was sitting between the middle of the hall waiting for her husband to come.. So they can start... But for her good fate... Her Mr husband suddenly got busy with some very important work.... So he is late.

What does my son think.... Han this is the last ritual were he is needed... After that we won't in even look for him and this idiot son of mine got a work which is important than his wedding ritual.... Queen Mother ruppa said getting angry.
Summoning a maid ruppa ask her to once again remind maharaj that he is needed over hear... Taking the order maid left from there....

Suddenly Ratnavali taunted looking at maitri... Who knows probably maharaj is not even interested in participating in any ritual. Hearing this maitri lowered her head and got sad... Seeing this chanda and sunaina held her hand assuring her with a smile. Ratnavali is one of the distant cousin of harshavardhan's father. She wanted her daughter sugandha to marry the king... But things took turn and now maitri is the queen... That's why she didn't wanted to leave any chance to insult the little girl.

Ladies and gentlemen please rise Maharaj harshavardhan pratap singh raghuvanshi is comming.... Door guard made a announcement .. And there came our handsome king with a smilling face to see his love .... Without any idea of.... What was happening few minutes ago.

He came and sat in front of maitri a big bowl of milk and rose petals was kept between them.... I am really sorry everyone for coming late... I got some urgent work to finish... He said looking at maitri excepting she would react... But she didn't even lift her eyes to look at him... Which disturbed him allot.

Sunaina came took a ring put it in the bowl of milk and said... Bhaisa... Now you guys have to find the ring for three time and whoever will first get it... Will lead this marriage... So start... Nodding his head harsha and maitri dipped there hand in milk... Maitri was sincerely looking for the ring but... Mr king held her hand rather than finding ring... But she didn't even looked once toward him and somehow freeing her hand she took the ring and showed to everyone... Like this maitri won the two rounds... Deciding that she will lead this marriage.

Now your work is done you can leave... Only maitri is required for muh dikhai.. Now all these close relatives will do this ritual... So you should leave. Rupa asked her son... But maa wo.... What asked his mother... Um nothing , okh then I am leaving. Saying this harshavardhan left from there... Still maitri didn't look at him. She was angry .

One by one everyone came and looked at maitri judging her from every facial features... Many appreciated her but again few including ratnavali said... She is fat, look at her skin colour... She is not fair. Our harshavardhan should have married a beautiful girl.. He don't deserve this bad.... Hearing all these comment tears welled up in maitris eyes.. Yes they are right... He is a king of such a big kingdom... He is so handsome.. I am really nothing in front of him ..... Maitri started overthinking...

Ratna didi... I don't know about you.. But we feel that Mewar is obliged to welcome such a beautiful talanted and well mannered princess as there Queen... So I would prefer if you keep this judgment with you only... Rupa taunted silencing ratnavali...beta please dont think rubbish.. Tomorrow is your crowning ceremony as Queen and in morning you have to cook food as new bride... And now you should leave as it's your first night.... Sunaina.. Chanda take her... Make her ready... Okh Queen Mother orders the girls.... Maitri felt happy and lucky... To get such a mother in law.

Maitri was sitting in front of mirror lost in the comments she got in muh dikhai.......and whole room was decorated with floor and candles.Making it perfect for first night.... Seeing this both the girls felt bad and said... Please dont be sad.. We can't satisfy everyone in this world isn't it... And the people who are our... They should be happy.. That's what matters at the end and your family is happy and feel lucky to have you... So dont think much.... Hearing all these she smiled little... Seeing this sunaina said... Now let finish this fast bhaisa must be comming...

Over hear finally finishing all his work after having a last discussion with surya... Harsha was coming to his chamber but... He was very much anxious as during the ritual... His baby for once didn't look at him and for once didn't even responded to his action. As much as he Remember she was fine when he left his chamber.

With all these thoughts he reached his chamber... And there stood his brother... His wife and his sister... With a mischievous smile... What happen.... Do you guys need anything... His brother ashok came and said nothing bhaisa.. Just have fun... Bhabhi must be waiting for you... But please dont behave like a beast... Saying this three of them ran from there laughing.

Today you guys don't need to stand hear.. Be little far from the chamber and dont let anyone inside ... No matter who he or she is....instantly following the order... The guards left from there closing the main door of the chamber.

When I step inside the chamber a strong smell of flowers hit my nose... They have decorated the sitting area very beautifully.... Crossing the sitting area I entered the main chamber.... Rose and candels were everywhere creating a dim light in the room and the moonlight was enough to add the beauty. And my beautiful wife maitri decked up in bright red coloured lehnga was sitting on bed covering her face with a long veil was sitting under the moonlight falling on the bed . Did someone told her red is my favorite colour and now my seductress is looking perfect for me to ruin her innocence. Taking a good look at her.. I turned around opened the red curtain letting it free deviding the bedroom and sitting area .

Please vote and comment and do try my other story.... And sorry for the mistake

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