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Hearing his heavy voice maitri turned around and looked at him.. And it felt like she forgot to breath... He was looking so handsome.. With that wet hair... Styled perfectly and few strands dangling on his forehead...

The moment he step inside he saw a maitri.. So he dismissed everyone and the moment she turned he was aww struck... She is always beautiful... But today it felt like different.. She was looking exactly like the bride to be get married... He remembered the day he got married... He slowly walk toward her and she was standing on the same place gawking at him... He came near her and slowly said... Should i order to stop everything and then open my upper clothes.. Then you can look all you want.. What say.. He asked with a smirk

Hearing him her trance broke and she blushed hard and looked down.. Nodding her head as noo..seeing her all red he held her shoulders and with one hand he lifted her face holding her chin.... Instantly there eyes locked... They kept staring each other, taking each others appearance as much as they can...

U look beautiful, Ethereal i can't explain you how much u look beautiful... Blush crept her face hearing his voice and she instantly close your eyes... Maitri open ur eyes.. He ordered in a husky voice hearing his voice she slightly open her eyes.. Should i saw.. What i actually feel right now... She nodded her head ... But u will not close your eyes... I will look in my eyes and hear every word i say... Said harsh in a husky voice. She looked at him and meekly said a yes...

I am lucky to have.. Thank you so much for accepting this marriage, accepting me, i love the way  you claim your rights on you... I love you.. I love everything about you and i am not pressuring you to feel the same... But i just want to say what i feel and now you look so beautiful that i can't explain... You look like a bride.. Exactly the way you looked on our wedding day.. Few months back. I... I you look so beautiful that i want to make love to you, cuddle you till morning, fuck you senselessly that you won't be able to take it.. But i will still continue to make love to you or most probably fuck your brains out..

Hearing his real intention she became all red and blushing... She instantly hugged him not being able to take his words.. She knows what happen between a husband and wife.. She knows what his words mean common she read romantic novel all day ... Feeling more shy she hugged him... He reciprocated her hug and held her tight... Few minutes later he slowly called her... Maitri.. Hearing him they created a distance between each other and he looked at her face... The red dupatta covering her face till her upper lip... Her half nose ring and lips were all clear in view for him..

He so wanted to suck those lips... So he decided to go with his heart and said.. Hold your nose ring little up from your lips... Hearing his authorative voice she hesitantly looked at him... But he again ordered do it as i say... She hesitantly hold her nose ring from right hand and lifted it little up from her lips ... He instantly snaked his hand around her waist and pull her toward him and from his right hand he slightly rub his thumb pad on her lips... She instantly close her eyes felling his finger... Her breath become uneven.. Seeing her like that he roughly rubbed his thumb on her lips and smudged her lipstick and instantly took her lips in his and sucked hard... Then he slowly tried to enter her mouth and she gladly gave in to him... He entered her mouth and tasted every corner... She tried to copy him and reciprocated the kiss... They were busy in eating each other's mouth when they heard a loud noise of a guard .. Sorry to interrupt king.. But everyone is waiting for your and Queen's presence he said from outside of the chamber...

Hearing the guard maitri stirred and try to broke apart but harsh was in no mood of leaving he pulled her more toward him and continue doing his most important work.. He rubbed his hand on her body and reached.. Till her big boobs and he instantly pressed her boobs hard.. She moaned and he instantly looked at her face and she said with uneven breathing... The guard is there let's leave... But only her heart new that she want opposite to what she saying this he again took her lips and pressed her boobs... She moaned in his mouth and snaked both her arms around his neck and pulled him toward her... Due to this... Dupatta covering her face fall on the ground... But free of all these they were busy in each other

After few minutes they left each other with uneven breathing... Let's go he said.. And held her hand.. Wait he again said and took the dupatta from ground and cover her full face and said... That  few was only for me and this  swollen lips with no lipstick but still red due to my kiss is all for me saying this he again held her hand and started leaving.. But this time she held his hand and said... Wait there is  slight lipstick on your lips.. Let me clean it .. He stooped her hand and said... Leave it let people know that there king is smitten by the queen.. And you my queen wait for tonight.. I won't leave u tonight saying this he held her hand and left the chamber heading downstairs toward the main sitting area..

Blush crept her face and she knew this would come and even she want to take the next step in there marriage with all these thoughts they entered the main area after the announcement of there arrival ... Holding her hand he slowly made her sit on the thrown beside him and he himself sat on his thron....

Priest did all the required praying and a crown was placed on her head by her husband the king and she gladly accepted it and took the oath of taking her kingdom first than anything else .
All the people shower there love and flowers on them and hail for there king and queen and slowly the ceremony ended and the men left for there party and woman with family men left for the dance performance of maitri..

Bye bye.. Do vote and comment and stay tuned for updates

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