• 11 - unspoken names

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— "He told you to
shut up!" —


NO ONE IN  GRYFFINDOR TOWER SLEPT THAT NIGHT, they knew that the castle was being searched again — the entirety of the house stayed in the Common Room that night, waiting to hear wether Black had been caught — Alora sat in the middle of the couch feeling like she might've thrown up, everyone in Gryffindor took turns comforting her and trying to cheer her up.

Professor McGonagall came back at dawn, and informed everyone that Black had escaped — before leaving she snuck Alora one of her biscuits knowing the girl's obvious distress,

Everywhere they went the next day, they saw signs of tighter security; Professor Flitwick could be seen teaching the front doors to recognise a large picture of Sirius Black, Flich was bustling up and down corridors, boarding up all of the walls. Sir Cadogan had been sacked, his portrait was taken back to the seventh floor and The Fat Lady was back.

Alora also felt as if everyone else become strangely protective of her — meaning there was always someone checking on her, or what she was doing. She was grateful that people took time to do this, but she hated it. She hated the feeling of weakness, she felt vulnerable, she hated feeling vulnerable.

Professor McGonagall also thought it was best that Alora didn't go back to Hogsmeade this year.

Alora thought she took the news pretty well—

"WHAT?" Alora shrieked, "Minnie, you can't do this! I need to get my sweets from Honeydukes!" she complained,

Professor McGonagall gave a small sigh in understanding, but inevitably she shook her head, "No, I'm sorry Miss Black. My decision is final, Black could be anywhere, and you're the one we are the most worried about."


"I'm sorry, Miss Black—"



"Pleaseeee—" she pleased, putting her hands together, "I'll get on my knees and clean cauldrons for a month."

"There won't be any need for that, Miss Black—I understand that this might be irritating, but it's the best for your own safety."

"I'll punch Draco Malfoy again—"

"ALO— Miss Black." Professor McGonagall gasped, "There will be no need in resorting to harming other students, my decision is final — please feel free to have one of my biscuits."

Alora huffed and took one of the chocolate cookies on Professor McGonagall's table, aggressively taking a bite of it so the Professor could see her obvious anger.

"Miss Black."

"Yes, Minnie?" Alora's head tilted up excitedly, hoping that the woman had changed her mind in the rough few seconds of silence.

"I'm sorry."

Harry, Ron, Hermione and Alora were know the only ones to know about the passageway to Honeydukes — Harry and Rom told Alora when she informed them about her Hogsmeade ban,

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