༺ 18 - to the burrow ༻

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"Lover boy isn't here,

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IT WAS SUNNY, AND ALMOST NOON WHEN ALORA WOKE UP, her eyes were heavy, and her hair was a mess. She opened her eyes, and as she did, her stomach immediately lifted, she would be heading back to the Burrow later on, it was a tradition that every summer, she would stay there for the rest of summer until it was time to go back to Hogwarts. Aurora and Molly were best friends in school, Molly always said that her and Hermione resembled them very much.

She groaned, she was never a morning person. As she threw the covers off her, and rolled out of the bed she was almost blinded by the sunlight that reflected off her windows—this is why she preferred winter.

"Alora!" she heard Aurora's voice from downstairs, "We have to leave soon! Are you dressed?"

Alora was about to walk downstairs, but began to walk backwards into her room when she said those words. About five minutes later, she was dressed and headed downstairs, by sliding down the staircase handle.

"Morning weirdo." Aria was sitting at the table, over the summer she had grown a little in height and her hair was starting to become a darker shade, "Finally left that cave, have you?"

Alora fake laughed, "Very funny."

She sat down at their long table, the West's house was very large, as the West family had always been very wealthy. Alora loved her family, she really did. But there was something about the Burrow that always felt more home like to her.

"You excited for the Quidditch Cup?" Dorian said, he was reading the Daily Prophet, "Just make sure to look after each other, won't you?"

"Yeah," Alora yawned into her breakfast, "Wouldn't be surprised if Ari gets lost looking for her boyfriend."

Both Aurora and Dorian stopped what they were doing. Alora laughed silently into her hands when her aunt almost dropped the empty plate and her uncle choked on his coffee.

Aria broke into a nervous laughter, "She's just kidding. I would never have a boyfriend, would I?" she gave her older sister a glare.

Alora kind of shrugged but when Aria was about to murder her on the spot with the look that she gave her she shook her head quickly, "N-no. . .she is against having a boyfriend until she is sixteen—told me herself."

"Good," Dorian sighed, Aurora hit him on the head with another copy of the Daily Prophet.

"Don't act like you weren't seeing me when you were Alora's age!" she said, Dorian winced rubbing the back of his head, "I think, right now, you might be too young—but, when you are Lora's age is alright, love."

Aria looked visibly annoyed. Alora was sat at the table almost in tears because of how much she was laughing.

"I wish on your downfall." Aria whispered.

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