༺ 26 - new faces. ༻

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"He better not—not
before I do."


THE NEXT MORNING, WHEN ALORA WOKE she felt washed over, with a sense of serenity, it seemed as though the few tears she cried last night was enough to rid the harsh thought of her mother from her mind.

Growing up, Alora had never once taken a thought into her mother's death. She never knew what had happened to her, or what she looked or sounded like, she only remembered the faint soft voice singing lullabies in her ears ever so often.

She never once worried, that she might forget her, even with the lack of knowledge, Alora was still reminded of Estelle, the resemblance was held in their hazel eyes which were more brown than green and the dimples that showed in their bright grins.

One memory, however, was engraved into Alora's mind. She was nine, it was the summer, in a field not too far from her home, and Alora had created a dandelion bracelet for Aurora. Up until this day, she's always wondered why her aunt's brown eyes welled up in soft tears, now, she had a rough idea why that might've been, she assumed it was because of the grin she portrayed or the way she acted, just like Estelle did.

That wasn't it. Alora didn't know the reason why her aunt cried, and cherished that bracelet with her life was because her little sister once loved dandelion bracelets too.

But, putting all the burden away, Alora was happy for the next couple of days, she felt like herself, and happy that the Tournament was commencing soon, it really lifted her mood up knowing there was something to look forward to.

Although, unfortunately, their classes had become even more difficult and demanding then ever before, particularly Defence Against the Dark Arts.

To their surprise, Professor Moody had announced that he would be putting the Imperius Curse on everyone, in turn, to demonstrate its power to see whether they were capable enough to resist its effects, it sounded dangerous, and was illegal, but Alora wanted to do it anyway.

"But — but you said it's illegal, Professor," muttered Hermione unsurely, as Moody cleared the desks with a sweep of his wand. "You said — to use it against another human was—"

"Dumbledore wants you taught what it feels like," said Moody, his unusual eye was onto Hermione, eerily still and unblinking. "If you'd rather learn the hard way — when someone's putting it on you so they can control you completely — fine by me. You're excused. Off you go."

He pointed one gnarled finger at the door. Hermione went awfully pink, and mumbled something under her breath about not wanting to miss the lesson. Harry and Ron grinned at the other, they knew, everyone did, that Hermione would rather eat Bubotuber puss than miss an important lesson.

Moody began to beckon students over, in turn, he placed the Imperius Curse on them. Alora watched, one by one, as her classmates did things she wouldn't have dreamed them doing.

Dean hopped around the room three times whilst singing the national anthem. Lavender imitated a squirrel. Neville performed a series of astonishing gymnastics he wouldn't have been capable of in his normal presence. Not one of them had seemed to fight the curse, and only calmed when Moody beckoned them too.

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