༺ 37 - a small smile.

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"I'm getting better, just like I promised."


ALORA BLACK HADN'T SMILED IN TWO MONTHS, most teenager's summers would consist of meeting with friends, and having Quidditch matches in your garden. But, not for Alora. She hadn't slept, eaten, or formed a happy thought in her mind since June twenty-fourth. She would usually spend her days laying in her new bed, or crying, maybe sleeping to take her mind off the pain. But, she wasn't happy.

Everyone knew that, she did too.

Alora had moved into Grimmuald Place with her father not too long ago in July, it was where the Order had been formed once more. Alora didn't exactly have interest in joining, not like she'd be allowed anyways. Although, always having her father in the same house and actually being able to have a conversation was nice, instead of waiting months for letters.

Ron and Hermione had been living there for some time too, it was nice having them around, but it would've been nicer if she had the energy to speak to them. Aria and the Weasley family had moved in too.

On her bedside table was a pile of letters that she had rewrote over and over again, multiple times. Dumbledore had made everyone swear not to tell Harry where they, or the Order was. Which was a difficult task for Alora, as she felt that, if she talked to Harry, just for a minute, even through letters, she would smile again.

She looked at the empty parchment, and grabbed it, rather fiercely, she could see the quill in her corner of her eye, that she so desperately wanted to write 'Dear Seeker Boy' onto. Her eyebrows furrowed, and she had to close her eyes to stop herself -- she threw the parchment across the room, and laid her head back onto her pillow, in which she placed over her face in defeat.

There was a knock at the door.

"Come in," Alora's muffled voice said.

"You okay?" said the voice, Alora took the pillow off her face to see Sirius walk in the room, and quietly shut the door behind him. "I brought you this. Molly insists you eat something."

He had a plate of food in his hand, there was all sorts of breakfast delicacies; pancakes, waffles, strawberries and blueberries. Alora very much wanted to politely decline, she knew grief was something she hadn't dealt with before, so she was taking it slowly. She was at the stage of talking to people again, eating well again was to be worked on.

"I know you don't want this, Lia." Sirius said, 'Lia' was the nicknamed he'd acquired for her over the summer, it was simple. Short for 'Aelia'. "But, for once, I do agree with Molly, you need to eat, you look weak."

"Really?" Alora raised a brow. "Personally, I thought I was getting really buff,"

Sirius laughed, "Yeah, you should look into bodybuilding," he got up from the bed, his eyes trailed across the room to the ripped parchment and splattered ink. "What happened before I came in?"

"Nothing," Alora shrugged and chewed on a strawberry.


"No. . ." Alora looked down at the floor, she did that when she lied. She couldn't help it, it just happened naturally.

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