༺ 25 - the unforgivables. ༻

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"Draco Malfoy, the amazing,
bouncing, ferret."

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THE STORM HAD LINGERED INTO DAYBREAK, heavy clouds of pewter grey swirled overhead as Harry, Alora, Ron and Hermione examined their new timetables over breakfast. A few seats over, Fred, George and Lee Jordan were discussing methods of ageing themselves and bluffing their way into the Tournament.

"Today's not bad. . .outside all morning," said Ron, who was running his finger down his timetable, "Herbology with the Hufflepuffs and Care of Magical Creatures. . .damn it, we're still with the Slytherins. . ."

"Double Divination this afternoon," Harry groaned, looking down at the timetable.

Alora felt herself visibly scoff at this, she hated Divination with a passion, it didn't help that Professor Trelawney liked to predict her death, which she didn't find very amusing.

The time came, after a long morning of Herbology, Alora's worst subject, as they collected Bubotubers, she spilled them almost everywhere. Then, came Care of Magical Creatures, which was a subject Alora would hate if Hagrid wasn't their teacher.

Alora's eyes felt heavy, she had been staring at the complicated lunar chart for a while, even though she always loved the stars, the dusted correlations in the sky, like Asteria. Looking at planets whilst sitting in a confined, stuffy room, wasn't her cup of tea.

"I've got two Neptunes here," said Harry after a while, his eyebrows were furrowed confusedly, "that's not right, is it Lora?"

"I don't know, maybe you should awaken your Inner Eye." Alora whispered, Ron and Harry both broke out into a snicker.

Seamus and Dean who were working nearby, snickered loudly though not loudly enough to mask the excited squeals of Lavender Brown from across the classroom.

"—Oh, Professor, look! I think I've got an unaspected planet! Oooh, which one's that, Professor?"

"It is, Uranus, my dear," spoke the airy voice of Professor Trelawney, her enlarged eyes through her coloured spectacles peered down at the chart.

"Can I have a look at Uranus, too, Lavender?" said Ron.

Most unfortunately, at this, Professor Trelawney heard Ron, and it was at this, perhaps, which made her assign so much homework at the end of class.

"A detailed analysis of the way the planetary movements in the coming month will affect you, with reference to your personal chart," she snapped, sounding much more like Professor McGonagall then herself. "I want it ready to hand next Monday, and no excuses!"

"Miserable old bat," said Ron bitterly, when they joined the crowds that descended back to the Great Hall, "that'll take all weekend, that will. . ."

"Give me a break," Alora sighed, "it's the first day."

"Homework?" Hermione butted in brightly, catching up to the other three. "Professor Vector didn't give us any at all!"

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