༺ 35 - a final goodbye.

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"So will HE! He'll be okay!"

— Don't forget to comment! ( and
grab some tissues <3 )


THE FINAL TASK WAS DRAWING NEARER and Alora was supposed to be studying for her final exams, but was too focused on what the day would look like -- she was drawn between the idea of Harry or Cedric taking the cup.

The mood of the castle had fixated itself to be back in its excited tone when they entered June, the rooms felt tense, and the third task was commencing the week before the end of term. Alora had been spending a lot of time helping Harry with the task. Harry felt more relaxed that he actually had some time to prepare for the task.

Alora had also -- somehow -- become the opposite of a wingwoman for Everette. She had previously told him to leave Odette and Zacharias alone to themselves -- but he looked rather pissed off everytime he saw the blonde Hufflepuff.

"Brighten up blondie," Alora said one day sitting in the library. "The third task is tomorrow and you should be helping Ced."

"Zach came up to me," Everette said, looking annoyed.

"What did he say?" Alora said nervously.

"He told me that I keep looking at him strangely," Everette rolled his eyes, "we've never been that close, it started off as me and Cedric in our first year -- then we met Odette -- she was alone in her first year, so we became friends. Then, Zach tagged along, because Odette liked him. Cedric and I respected her too much to make Odette loose a friend, but now he's really annoying me, you get it?"

"Yeah, you could say that," Alora flipped pages of a book, "it's just jealousy, Everette. That's okay, though, I get jealous too." she took the book, and placed it back in the shelf.

"How do you come over it?"

"You don't really, if you like someone that much," Alora sighed, "we can get back to this after the third task -- Odette's birthday is on the twenty-seventh, get her a necklace. But, for now, you should probably worry about your best friend entering that maze."

"Alora, how do you know this?" Everette furrowed his brows and laughed.

"I dunno," the fifteen year old shrugged, "it just comes out. I'm going to go to bed now, I'll see you tomorrow for the third task."

Alora left the library and began to walk through the castle -- the sunset shined in through the windows of Hogwarts. In her satchel was a copy of Alice In Wonderland, her face lifted into a small smile. She felt like she needed to take some weight off her chest, the third task felt oddly heavy in her throat, she had a bad feeling about the next morning, but couldn't quite shake off what it was.

She headed out into the bleeding sun that was slowly switching places with the moon. Alora sat beside the tree where she would usually read. It was also short of the lake that almost mirrored the colour of the sky at midnight. In the distance was the Durmstrang boat that was very lightly lit, and was filled with a few students on the deck.

"Hello, Lioness," said a familiar voice behind her.

"What're you doing here?" Alora laughed to herself, Cedric sat down next to her and leant his head against the tree. "Aren't you meant to be sleeping for tomorrow?"

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