༺ an unfair judgement.

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"I think I realised something."

Please comment! Even if it means going back and skimming to random parts! It helps with motivation!!

ALORA STOOD TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WOODEN DOOR, for some odd reason she felt her heart beat quickly rise in her chest, perhaps it was because she was most likely getting a lifetime ban from the one sport that took away all her worries, or it was because she would be alone with the woman who despised her more than anyone ever had before.

"Come in," she heard the high-pitched voice faintly speak, she slowly opened the door and sat down, preparing herself for the news she was about to receive.

"I think we both know why you're here, Miss Black." Umbridge laid down her quill on a piece of parchment she seemed to be writing on.

"Why? Because I did what was right?" Alora shot back, she couldn't seem to help her raging temper.

"Ah," Umbridge held a hand out to stop the teenager from speaking, "no, no, we won't be doing that today." she leaned a little closer to Alora, "you threatened to kill another student I have heard from a member of staff, didn't you?"

"Only because he said something similar to me first," Alora defended, if Draco had threatened something of direct lines, why wasn't he being punished? She didn't exactly use physical violence on him. "Why isn't he being punished?"

"Well, because he didn't directly threaten you, you did." Umbridge said sweetly, a little giggle escaped her lips. "It goes against the Ministry's Decree, we have been discussing it, haven't we?"

"B-but, he said my father had killed my mother and would be after me next --- that seems like a threat to you, doesn't it?" Alora's voice started to raise, "a-and you banned Fred, for what? Being ready to defend his family that was being treated by a pile of dirt by the same pathetic boy?"

"Well, you've made the news much easier to break," Umbridge smiled, "I will need to ban you from playing Quidditch ever again, a lifelong ban should stop you from filthy words coming out of your mouth."

"Ever again?" Alora's voice caught in her throat, "that's a bit dramatic, don't you think?"

"Not if it goes against a Ministry Decree!" Umbridge shouted as though Alora had insulted her, "you are not to play Quidditch ever again, neither are your three violent, dangerous friends."

"Well, then ban Draco, too."

"Excuse me?"


"I have heard enough." Umbridge did the same thing with her hand again, "unless you'd like another week of detentions you will be quiet and face the punishment you deserve. The rest of the team will continue playing as I saw no signs of violence in any of them. . .well, good evening to you."

With her heart feeling heavy in her chest, Alora grabbed her bag and left Umbridge's office as quickly as she could, she felt her thoughts get the better of her walking through the extensive hallways. . .no Quidditch, would that ruin her chance of being a professional? Her eyes began to tear up, not because of the ban, but because her mind started to re-direct to Cedric.

I was doing this for him. Alora thought. I was going to be a Quidditch player for him, and now I'm not sure I can do that.

Alora assumed that the others had gone down to Hagrid's Hut like she'd told them to, so there was no point in going back to the common room only to sit and wallow in her own sadness hopelessly. Making the wrong turn 'accidently' she headed for the Black Lake.

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