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"They'd all still fight a
Hungarian Horntail for


"POTTER, WEASLEY! WILL YOU PAY ATTENTION?" Professor McGonagall's irritated voice cracked like a whip through the Transfiguration class on Thursday, the two boys both jumped and looked up, Alora laughed into her hands.

Alora had never really been fond of Transfiguration, it certainly wasn't a subject she hated, just one she'd rather spend her time not studying for. She didn't have a particular reason, unlike Herbology, where the only sole reason was because she sucked at it. The only reason why she comes in the first place is for Professor McGonagall.

"Now Potter and Weasley have been kind enough to act their age," said Professor McGonagall, with a stern look planted upon her face. "I have something to say to you all.

"The Yule Ball is approaching -- a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament and an opportunity for us to socialise with our foreign guests. Now, the ball will be open only to fourth years and above -- although you may invite a younger student if you wish--"

Lavender let out a shrill giggle into her hands, Parvati nudged her hardly in the ribs, although struggling to keep a straight face, Alora looked over at them, and once she did, she realised she made a mistake, she had to cover a hand over her face to stop herself from laughing.

"Dress robes will be worn," Professor McGonagall continued, "and the ball will start at  eight o'clock on Christmas Day, finishing at midnight, in the Great Hall. Now then--"

"That's what the dresses were for, Mione. The one's in the Burrow." Alora nudged Hermione, she didn't say anything at risk of getting caught, but sent her best friend an excited smile.

"The Yule Ball is of course a chance for us all to -- er -- let our hair down."

Lavender now giggled harder than ever, she had to slam a hand over her mouth to stop herself. Alora looked over at what was so funny, and immediately had to contain laughter; Professor McGonagall, in her tight bun, who looked like she hadn't let her hair down in a long while.

"But, that does NOT mean," Professor McGonagall continued, "that we will be relaxing the standards of behaviour we expect from Hogwarts students. I will be most seriously displeased if a Gryffindor embarrasses the school in any way."

The bell rang, and there was the usual scuffle of activity as everyone packed their bags, and swung them over their shoulders. Alora was about to leave, but saw Harry being called over by Professor McGonagall, so she decided to wait outside the door.

"Potter, the champions and their partners--"

"What partners?"

Professor McGonagall raised an eyebrow at him, like he was trying to be funny.

"Your partners for the Yule Ball, Potter," she said coldly. "Your dance partners."

Harry felt his stomach fly around inside him, he cleared his throat. "Dance partners?" he felt himself embarrassingly go red. "I don't dance."

"Oh, yes, you do," Professor McGonagall said irritably. "That's what I'm telling you. Traditionally, the champions and their partners open the ball."

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