• 9 - asteria

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— "I'm Everette Wilson" —


WHEN ALORA MADE HER WAY BACK TO THE CASTLE, she didn't have a clear sense of consciousness — because the only thing that she could've possibly focussed on, was the conversation that she'd just heard. She didn't know how to react, one she felt betrayed — why had nobody ever told her? She knew her father wasn't a good man, but she'd just found out he betrayed his own wife and daughter.

She walked back with Hermione and Ron — but they knew better than to try and start conversation with her, as she looked down at the snow on the concrete — the only thing in her mind was anger.

She wanted to get her father back for what he'd done to her and Harry — if it wasn't for him, she'd have gotten to grow up with her mother.

A missed out chance — she thought, a missed out chance to have a mother of her own. Growing up she had Mrs Weasley and her aunt, but she knew, that no matter how many times she called them her mothers, she'd still have had a lost possibility of having one of her own — mother and daughter talks, her sending her off to Hogwarts, boy talk. All of that.

She'd never had it.

And she never will,

Ron and Hermione didn't talk to the two during dinner — as they both played with their food, Alora wasn't hungry. All she wanted was to be alone, and recall why her father would ever want to do this to her and her best friend?

After dinner, Alora made her way to her dormitory, she slammed the door behind her — thankfully it was empty — her back fell against the soft bed, and her eyes stared almost lifelessly into the ceiling above, she had many thoughts in her mind, like they were all racing for which one she should overthink first,


He was meant to be your father.

You could've had a mother.

Revenge him.


That night Alora Black went to sleep with endless possibilities in her mind.


"WHAT'RE YOU SAYING EXACTLY — let me get this straight," Aria said, sighing — the two sisters sat by the Black Lake, Alora had her head rested on Aria's shoulder, "Sirius Black, sold Harry's parents and your mother to Voldemort? Then proceeded to blow up one of his best friends?"

Alora nodded grimly,

"I'll kill that son of a bitch." the eleven year old girl protested, "He can try and get to you, Lori — but without a doubt he won't succeed."

"He'll be intimidated by you, I'm sure."

"He will infact." Aria sat up higher, "Professor Flitwick said that I was the best student in his class — I learned how to lift things with my wand, look! Wingardaim Leviosa."

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