༺ 41 - evil in disguise.

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"It's that Umbridge woman!"

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HARRY DID NOT FEEL THE NEED to let everyone else know that he was having the same 'hallucinations' about the strange horses as Luna, he said nothing more about the creatures as he sat inside the carriage.

"Did everyone see that Grubbly-Plank woman?" asked Ginny. "What's she doing back here? Hagrid can't have left, can he?"

"I hope not," Alora frowned, unable to think of a life at Hogwarts without Hagrid.

"Well, I'll be quite glad if he has," said Luna, "he isn't a very good teacher, is he?"

"Yes, he is!" said Harry, Alora, Ron and Ginny angrily at once.

Everyone turned to look at Hermione, she was the only person who didn't respond. She went rather pink, cleared her throat and said, "Erm. . .yes. . .he's very good." it was clear she wasn't a great liar.

"Well, we in Ravenclaw think he's a bit of a joke," Luna spoke unfazed.

"You've got a rubbish sense of humour then," Ron snapped, as the wheels below them began to creak in motion.

Luna did not seem perturbed by Ron's rudeness; she instead watched him for a while, as though he was a mildly amusing television programme.

The carriages moved in convoy up the road, swaying and rattling over the cobbled floors -- soon they passed the tall stones pillars topped with winged boars on either side of the gates to the school grounds, Harry and Alora both attempted to get a look at Hagrid's cabin, hoping a light would be switched on, but they were only met with desolating darkness. Hogwarts Castle began to loom closer, towering over into the starred sky, feeling like a welcoming home.

The carriages shook to a halt near the stone steps leading up to the grand, oak front doors. Harry and Alora left the carriage first, both looked over to check if maybe there was one dim light inside the hut, just one that would give them hope -- but it was dull. As Harry turned around again, he was met with the skeletal horses he tried so hard to rid from his mind, he turned to Alora again, just to check if this was still some joke, but she was looking right over them.

Harry thought hard, how could Luna and him see something that Alora and Ron couldn't?

"Are you two coming?" Ron called.

"Oh, yeah. . ." said Harry, Alora nodded and they both quickly joined the crowd that was now drawing into the castle.

The Entrance Hall was lit ablaze in torches that set the tone of the atmosphere, students were lead over and into the familiar Great Hall for the start-of-term feast. Also, to find out the new Defence teacher, as Alora was told the previous one was a Death Eater in disguise -- much like she jokingly predicted when she was fourteen.

The four long house tables in the Great Hall were designated to the four houses -- Alora looked up to admire the candles that floated just below the conjured starry night sky, the illuminating ghosts enthusiastically welcomed familiar faces that began to sit down at their tables. Alora made eye contact with Odette who was seating herself at Ravenclaw, the two both waved at the other.

Eventually Luna drifted over to the Ravenclaw table, and the rest headed over to Gryffindor's -- within seconds Ginny was hailed over by some fellow fourth years to sit with them, and she left. Harry, Alora, Ron, Hermione and Neville all found seats together halfway down the table between Nearly Headless Nick, Parvati Patil and Lavender Brown.

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