༺ 48 - dumbledore's army.

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"I saw you staring."


THERE HAD BEEN SPECULATION THAT Umbridge was the one to intercept and injure Hedwig on her journey --- well, from Hermione at least, she was almost certain on the fact that Umbridge had been reading Harry's mail, and Alora was unequivocal that she was correct.

One break there was a heavy downpour of rainfall outside, so everyone was able to stay inside for break. They found seats in a noisy, over-crowed classroom on the first floor which Peeves was floating dreamily by the chandelier blowing an ink pellet at the top of somebody's head. They had barely sat down when Angelina came running through the crowds of gossiping students.

"I've got permission!" she declared. "To re-form the Quidditch team!"

"Excellent!" said Harry, Alora and Ron together.

"Yes," Angelina beamed, "I went to McGonagall and I think she might have appealed to Dumbledore. Anyway, Umbridge had to give in. Ha! So I want you down at the pitch at seven o'clock tonight, all right, because we've got to make up time. You realise we're only three weeks away from our first match?"

"We'll be there," Alora nodded exuberantly, she would've been set off if the team didn't get reformed.

She squeezed away from them, narrowly dodged an ink pellet from Peeves, which hit a nearby first-year instead, and vanished from sight. Ron's smile slipped slightly as he looked out of the window, which was now utterly dull from the hammering rain.

"Hope this clears up. What's up with you, Hermione?"

She, too, was gazing at the window, but not as though she really saw it. Her eyes were unfocused and there was a frown on her face.

"Just thinking. . ." she trailed, still frowning at the rain-washed window.

"About Siri-- Snuffles?" asked Harry.

"No. . .not exactly. . ." she spoke slowly. "More. . .wondering. . .I suppose we're doing the right thing. . .I think. . .aren't we?"

Harry, Alora and Ron looked at the other.

"Well, that clears it up," nodded Ron. "It would've been really annoying if you hadn't explained yourself properly."

Hermione turned to look at him as though she had just realised he'd been there the whole time and she wasn't just speaking to herself. "I was just wondering, whether we're doing the right thing, starting this Defence Against the Dark Arts group."

"What?" questioned the three together.

"Hermione, it was your idea in the first place!" said Ron indignantly.

"I know," Hermione sighed, twisting her fingers together. "But after talking to Snuffles. . ."

"He wants us to do it, Mione," said Alora.

"Yes," Hermione concurred, she had turned to look at the window again. "Yes, that's what made me think maybe it wasn't a good idea after all. . ." Alora was just puzzled at this point, why did she even come up with the idea, knowing it was a risk only to want to shut it down afterwards?

"Let's get this straight," Harry's voice began to appear angry, Alora shot him a look, though she wasn't sure if he caught it. "Sirius agrees with us, so you don't think we should do it anymore?"

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