• 4 - hypogriffs will be hypogriffs

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"I wouldn't do this for
anyone else"


ALORA WAS RATHER EXCITED ABOUT CARE OF MAGICAL CREATURES, she loved animals, and with Hagrid as a teacher it would be even better — the sky was clear after yesterdays showers, although Ron and Hermione were not speaking to one and other.

They headed down the sloping lawns to Hagrid's Hut, by the edge of the Forbidden Forest, it was when Alora spotted Malfoy she realised they would be having lessons with the Slytherins.

She sighed.

"C'mon, now, get a move on!" he called to the class, "Got a real treat for yeh today! Great lesson comin' up! Everyone here? Right, follow me!" he said.

For a minute Alora thought they were being led into the forest, and halted her breath — her experiences with it in second year were not fun, especially spiders. But they strolled around,

"Everyone gather round the fence here!" he called, "That's it — make sure yeh can see. Now, firs' thing yeh'll want ter do is open yer books —"

"How." said the cold voice of Draco Malfoy.

"Eh. ."

Alora walked into the crowd, she felt someone accidentally fall into her and mutter a sorry — as this happened her book slipped out of her hand, but her hands brushed past the spine of the book as it fell, when she picked it up, much to her surprise she opened it and it didn't bite her face off.

"Use your last remaining brain cells, Malfoy." Alora called over, earring the snickers from the Gryffindors, "Stroke it."

The class all came in unison and said 'Ohhhhh' at the same time, as they stroked the bind of their copies of The Monster Book of Monsters, Hagrid send the girl a thankful smile, Alora gave a thumbs up and let Hagrid carry on with the lesson.

"Oh, how silly we've all been!" Malfoy sneered, "We should've stroked them! Why didn't we guess!"

"I mean — Alora did." said the voice of Seamus Finnegan from the back of the class,

"I thought they were funny. ." Hagrid said uncertainly to Hermione.

"Oh, tremendously funny!" Malfoy mocked, "Really witty, giving us books that try and rip our hands off!"

"Shut up, Malfoy." said Harry quietly. Hagrid was looking downcast, and Harry wanted Hagrid's first lesson to be a success.

"Righ' then," Hagrid sighed, he seemed to have lost his energetic, positive thread at this point, "So. . . so yeh've got yer books an'. . . an'. . . now yeh need to Magical Creatured. Yeah, so i'll go an' get' em. Hang on. . ." he strode away into the forest.

"God this place is going to the dogs." Malfoy said loudly, "That oaf teaching classes, my father'll have a fit when I tell him—"

"No one cares about your father, Malfoy." Alora rolled her eyes — she was tired of it, "He's not as threatening as you think he might be. ."

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