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"You picked them already?" I asked Marcus. He stood behind my desk. He was in charge of picking out my new personal guards. This man had connections like no other so who else other than him could pick the best of the best? Three files lay across my desk. Three? I guess my standards are high. Marcus does everything for me. He spoils me but he has also been paid a fortune since. He trains my men, overseers my weapons and he is my number-one source of protection. Now he is retiring. I mentally rolled my eyes.

"Si senorita." After all these years I still can't get him to call me by my first name.

I picked up the first file Keegan Russ. I know him. My eyes scanned over to his picture It was the man from last night. His voice and eyes were so captivating. I read over his file he was born in Missouri on January 25. He joined the US Marines at the age of 18 then left and became part of a ghost unit after leaving the military he completely disappeared. I turned over to see more documents that should be classified. All his tasks were unfiltered, with no black lines blocking the words. How did Marcus get these papers was beyond me. Keegan P Russ was a demon.

I closed the file. Opening the next one. Darian 'Kilgore' König. "No picture?"

"No senorita, there is a reason please continue reading." I bite my lip as I read his file.

Born in Austria on March 16, König joined at the age of 17. He spoke German and English. He was tall as fuck. My eyebrows furrowed and I glared at the paper like that was going to change anything. 6'10. 6' fucking 10. What did this man eat? Baby goats?! I frowned and continued reading. He was inspired to become a Recon sniper but he was too tall. He later left the military and joined a PMC named KorTac after becoming a war criminal he also 'disappeared.' I read some of his tours. He saved hostages, got captured and tortured a handful of times, and even stopped multiple attacks in major countries. Yet he had committed war crimes against his own country. Since he was always special op of course there was no picture.

"Hmmm." I closed his file.

Simon Riley goes by Ghost. Another one with no picture and he was tall as fuck too. Not as tall as König but still a noticeable height 6'2. He was born in Manchester England December 22, inspired to join after a major attack in the UK, at the age of 20. Ranking up pretty fast they had him leading his own teams. He has also been tortured captured and kidnapped. Later joining a task force he stopped several attacks across the world with his team but also became a war criminal after an incident in Russia.

"Very interesting." I admired. I twisted my bottom lip with my teeth.

"So you like them?" Marcus asked sounding very unsure.

"I'm not sure." Their files are incredible. These men were efficient and no doubt could keep me safe but they used to be heroes. Their war crimes were petty compared to the things I have been responsible for. My concern wasn't how they could protect me it was more if they could handle the fact that I was the villain. I also questioned their loyalty. Why did they want this job? Would they be willing to kill anyone for me?

"When do they get here?" I closed the file

"They are already here." I glared at him playfully. He was so eager to retire he couldn't even wait. He expressed how much he loved working for me but he had a family he needed to finally be there for. I accepted that. "They are in the foyer waiting for you."

"Okay." I blinked. Wasn't looking forward to meeting anyone but I guess I had no choice. I stood up walking around my desk. Marcus leaned over to open the door and together we walked down the corridor. For the first time in a while, I felt nervous. I can't explain why. I didn't get nervous when I met the president why should I now? I swallowed the lump in my throat and ignored the weird feeling in my gut. Letting Marcus take the lead.

They were everything my grandma warned me about.


We could hear her heels before we could see her. Finally gonna meet the little devil everyone has been talking about for years. Finally got a name last week. Verena Montego. She was responsible for several corrupt governments, the rise of drugs on the streets, and hundreds of thousands of deaths every year. She was the type of person I promised to take down and now I'm here about to pledge my allegiance to her. Keegan said he met her at the Rivera estate he wouldn't give us any details about her, we didn't bother asking but I was curious and I was willing to bet so was the grumpy Ghost.

"Thank you for waiting," Marcus called out. His voice echoed in the huge foyer. He stepped aside to reveal her. The atmosphere in the room changes in her present. Everyone seems to be more aware of her. She was young, too young. Her eyes contrast her lips. Her dark eyes were sharp and demanding while her lips were pouty and if I didn't know any better I would think she was innocent. She looks fucking innocent. Her black hair was wavy and cut short, still long enough to be grabbed. The sight of her pissed me off but my dick say otherwise. Her heels were illegally tall making her reach at least 5'9. She wore a short black dress with gold bottoms and tights under.

How does a woman like this hurt so many?


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