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"How did you find König?" I held my glass of wine and took another sip. Sebastian leaned over the pool table with a cigarette in between his lips. He was handsome, with blonde hair, brown eyes, and strong features. He had a slight accent but wasn't that unnoticeable. He stood up observing the table and then looked at me with hooded eyes. He inhales his cigarettes one last time before smashing it down into the ashtray.

"I'm a tracker it is what I'm good at." He shrugged as if it were nothing. I'm not 100% sure if he knows who I am. There are only a handful that do. The moment I saw him I knew he would be useful. I don't know for what exactly but if he could find König in the middle of nowhere then he could find people for me and as a businesswoman, I gotta keep networking.

He placed the cue table stick down and offered it to me. "I don't play," I said.

"You own a pool table and you don't know how to use it." He smirked.

"I bought it for my guests," I said walking around the table to his side.

"Want to learn." He opened his hands.

"Not really," I said honestly taking another sip.

He leaned down to my ear. He smelled just like the cigarettes he just put out and though I didn't like the smell I'll tolerate it for now. I felt like he was going to say something either very important or very stupid. I just happen to want to be entertained. "Do you see those three?" He looked at me as I quickly glimpsed from the corner of my eyes to König, Ghost, and Keegan. "They don't like it when I touch you."

That's stupid. He said it in a way that made it seem like they liked me. This was just another job for them. "What are you implying?"

He grinned shaking his head. "Come." He placed his hand over mine. I placed my wine glass down on a small table and let Sebastian guide me on how to hold the cue stick. "Now I'm gonna guide you but pay attention to their reaction when we lean over this table."

I nodded licking my lips, he placed his hand on my lower back and we leaned. Mmmm. He didn't press himself against me. I looked up to Keegan since he was the only one I could read. His jaw clenched. Ghost gripped the railing and König leaned forward. Sebastian guided my hand to hit the white ball to ramp into the others. When we got back up I laughed. "That was nothing."

"That was jealousy. They like you." He raised an eyebrow then trailed off to look me up and down. "And with good reason. I could smell it."

"Doesn't matter." I shrugged. I don't have any interest in anything romantic or sexual it will only be a distraction.

"Doesn't matter? They all like you and knowing König he doesn't like to share." He grabbed my hand and for some reason I let him intertwine our fingers and he kissed my knuckles. I look at him confused. "Anyways I should probably be on my way."


I truly believe this woman thought life was a game. One minute she picking peaches for her staff the next she basically disregards human life.

Verena wore a nice dress. Black and gold, one that was full sleeve lace and backless. It was long and elegant and everyone including Keegan gawked at her. Maybe too much to notice, a redhead giving her a deadly stare. She was seconds from snapping I could see it. I pushed past people getting faster as I saw her expression get angrier and her movements got more determined. She pulled out a knife clutching it close and when people noticed they scrambled.

I stepped in between the redhead and Verena grabbing her wrist and snapping it back prompting her to drop the knife. I grabbed her neck and slammed her against the car. Still holding her wrist I bend it back more not enough to break it but enough to feel pressure and pain. "I could snap your neck, next." Tears flooded her green eyes.

Right before I could Verena grabbed my arm. "Don't Ghost, she's not worth it."

"No kill me." She struggles to say. I release some pressure from her neck. "I will do it again and again and again until you die Montego. You are the reason why my whole family is dead."

"I didn't force the drugs in their mouth, little girl. I supplied, they bought, they ate. If anything blame them. I did what I had to survive." Verena brushed off her dress. I let her go upon Verena's request.

The event went on men asking Keegan if they take Verena to dance. Keegan only glared at them and Verena ignored them. I'm not sure what the fuck this event was about up until I saw Manuel Rivera approached us. His wife standing next to him with a small infant in her arms. It looked like it was just born. Verena's eyes light up and she smiles. She stood up and hugged them both before taking the baby into her hands. "You gonna be beautiful because you look like your mama." She said loud enough for Manuel to hear. He snorted. "I feel like a fairy godmother."

"You are her godmother." Theresa smiled.

After Theresa left Manuel stuck to talk about business. "Rowan." He said. "You pissed him off and honestly good he was started to become more reckless. You might have given the Union a reason to kill him."

"We should." Verena shrugged. "Take his assets split among the people it doesn't seem like much anyways." Manuel laughed at that.

"Anyways thank you for coming. Enjoy yourself." He hugged and kissed her cheek before walking away.

As the night when on Verena was approached again by non other than fucking Sebastian. How did he even-? He offered to dance and she took his hand. Son of bitch. I was going to kill König first and then dip Sebastian's body in acid while he was still alive.


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