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Russo was someone I respect. Though drugs are bad at least he wasn't a complete arsehole to continue buying/selling the same dirty shit. I placed my hand on Verena's back as I guided her through the crowd. People moved out our way staring at us curiously. Ghost was in front of her, blatantly pushing people out of his way. He was definitely enjoying it. I bet he was cackling. Yes, cackling because he is a witch. My eyes scanned the area, everyone out here seemed young. Probably around Verena's age. All dressed in white except us we wore black we didn't care. She wore a short dress that had her arse hanging out and her boob pushed up for display. In comparison she was dressed modestly, the women dancing around us were either missing a shirt or underwear.

Keegan stood with the guard. They let us through VIP and standing behind them was Jonathan Russo.

He didn't smile when she saw Verena but she didn't either. He stuck out his hand and she glanced at it before taking it. It was the first time I'd seen her have a business interaction with someone who didn't want to fuck her. "Welcome." He said simply.

"What do you want?" She said, no emotion, no small talk, no pretending to want to know him. Straight business. I doubt she even needs it she was really doing this out of courtesy to Marcus.

"I want to be your next buyer."

"I don't exactly know why I'm here. If you reached out to Marcus or Denise that would've been set up. So why am I here?" I glance at Keegan and Ghost, not exactly sure what to feel about this. I don't feel as if she was an immediate danger. I would have refused to let her walk in here but that doesn't mean she was completely safe. If she knew this why didn't she say anything?

"I have a proposal," He said gesturing for her to sit. She said down and I took the seat to her right and Keegan sat next to me Ghost on her left. I place my arm behind her seat before Ghost can. Russo sat down across from us taking a drink of wine. "After the break out of fentanyl in my city a lot of people have died."

"You want revenge?" She tapped her finger, and was she already getting impatient.

"I want his lands." He said.

"So do I and since you are just a buyer I don't think it a great idea for you to fight me over this." She said. "Unless you have something to offer."

"I'll open more opportunities in other countries." He offered. She smirked.

"No, I don't care about that." She shrugged. She leans over my lap to whisper something to Keegan.

He nodded and stood up.

"If you want to buy then buy but if you want to take what I want then you just jumped into war Russo." She stood up. "I know everything about you and considering your girlfriend just had a baby an absent father is something I doubt you want for little Katie." Russo eyes hardened and he stood up, his body tense and if looks could kill Verena would've dropped dead.

"Was that a threat?" He gritted.

"Not at all." Verena smiled sweetly. "It's a promise. You should learn your place in the world before you shoot for the stars." Russo hand reached on his side but before he could move any further Ghost had a gun against his head.

"Try it, I have been itching to kill someone."

"Relax," Russo said. They were the same height but Ghost was built, and Russo had more lean muscles. He pulled a gem out. A green gem. He handed it out to her. "I knew Mateo."

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