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Really dark topic will be discussed in this chapter just wanted to warn you guys again just in case!!

Trigger Warning:


I needed a fucking drink. I slipped off the bed not caring that he could see my tits. He was just all over them. I grabbed the first hoodie I could find and slipped it on with a pair of sweatpants. The Union. I almost wanted to laugh. I've built them, every single fat fuck standing in the union owes me. I own them and they voted to kill my brother. I could feel my cheeks growing hot with pure anger. I dug around my purse looking for the flask once I found it I chugged it down like it was water. I could hear Keegan get off the bed and walk over to me. He took the flask but I have already finished it. "Verena." His voice was so soothing to me, almost made every raging nerve in my body find its zen. "Breathe."

I opened my mouth to speak but instead, I suck in a breath and then sobbed. "I know," He said. Placing his hand on my head. I laid my head on his chest. I don't know why I find comfort in him. Or in Ghost or König. It was strange but I couldn't deny that I appreciated it. I don't think Keegan or Ghost weren't really used to it but it feels so natural. My growing attraction to them was unnerving though. I can't explain why my body reacts to them like I used to this. I have never even done this with anyone including Gabriel.

"I will make them suffer," I promised getting back to my thoughts. I wiped the tears off my face and moved away. I'm not going to cry anymore. I not going to mope anymore. I will drink though that's not going to change any time soon. If the union didn't know before they will know now I wasn't the type of person to be fucked with, not in the slightest. "I want to know everyone that voted yes-" I paused. "I want to know everyone that voted no as well." They will suffer as much because they knew about it and didn't call to warn me everyone in Union is connected. There was no reason.

"Why did they vote to kill him?" It didn't really matter why but if they had a reason it going to feed my anger and nobody was fucking safe including their families.

"Mateo was seeing a therapist." What? I tried keeping myself composed but I failed when I saw the way Keegan reacted. "I don't think he was seeing her for sessions I think that was his girlfriend."

"Do you have a name?" He stood and helped me up as well.

"Victoria Melo." I frowned. Never heard of her and he never mentioned her to me. That kinda hurt but then again it wasn't like I was obligated to know. I was his sister, not his mother. "She was at the funeral." He pulled out his phone and showed a picture of a woman who was definitely older than him. She was probably older than me. Ew. She was pretty. Long black hair with big brown eyes, smiling with braces. She looks like his type.

"I didn't see her," I said softly.

"She spoke to you." My eyes flickered away from her picture to him. She did? He chuckled. "You were so lost Verena nobody blames you."

"Except myself." I blame myself and the guilt chews me up every fucking day from the second I wake up to the second I'm able to fall asleep.


As Marcus and I located where Victoria Melo's last location was Verena documented the list of people in the union. She was starting with men with smaller influence/ power and she was planning on hitting them hard. She was going to ruin their reputation with the shit she already had on them. Then she was going to hurt their families and as much as I was completely against it there was no way I could stop her. She didn't plan on hurting them physically she was going to frame them, ruin school for their kids, or record their wives sleeping with the pool boy. "I'm not going to post it." She assured me.

"What about their kids?" I regretfully asked.

"Orphans." She shrugged and I had to stop to ask myself if I was okay with this. I was obsessed with her and it scared me to even answer that; I was completely okay with this just because she was going to do it. I still don't know her. Fucking hell I don't know her but I would willingly burn these people and everyone associated for the pain they cause her. I wouldn't feel a fucking thing and that is so fucked.

"Have she told you about Arron Martinez?" Marcus asked as we were in the study together. He is the first person she is looking for. I didn't get the time to check his file. I shook my head. "Arron Martinez is probably one of the most unfortunate members of the Union. He is also a couple of years older than Verena, very jealous of her. He is probably the most reckless member I've ever seen."

Suddenly very interested. I put my pen down and stare at Marcus. "Arron tried his luck with Verena like most men he wanted to be with her but obviously she rejected him. We read about his territory." Marcus paused shifting uncomfortably in his seat. "He would kidnap women preferably foreign women and gut their organs, sell their organs, and then use their body as a way to get drugs across the border." I blinked. I've heard and seen some twisted shit before but this took my head on a merry-go-round. Suddenly feeling a lot better of what Verena might do to some of these fuckers.

"Fuck." I finally manage to mutter. But the kicker was what he said afterward.

"He's married now." No!


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