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"He could've died," Verena gritted her teeth as I followed her through the corridor of the house. We just got back from the hospital. Gabriel is gonna be fine but the doctor told him to stay away from coconut. It was the same flavor I gave to her. "Did you know he was allergic?" She walked around her desk turning to face me. Her eyes narrowed but she wasn't full-on glaring at me. She sat down and put her phone down. She had me hold it during the party in case something important happened.

"He was lucky that was the only thing that happened to him tonight." I placed my hand on the desk leaning over it. I narrowed my eyes right back. She didn't flinch or waver, something that fascinated me. I knew Gabriel was going to do something stupid and instead of beating his ass (or König and Ghost killing him) I looked into him. I found out he was severely allergic to coconut so I gave her the lip balm. He shouldn't have kissed her.

"That's not your job!" She snapped.

"My job is to protect you and he did something to compromise that and don't act like you care. You were bored and acted like this was another meeting at the hospital." She stood up leaning over the desk. I wanted to smile but held my stare. There was nothing more than this desk between us. Only inches away and if I wanted to I could lean closer to kiss her but I wouldn't do that not to her. I couldn't she was everything wrong for me.

"You had no right regardless of what you thought he was going to do. Now you cost me a fucking medical bill and possibly a new cook." Little but fierce. I expected that.

"Next time. ." Because I can feel there will be a next time. Maybe not Gabriel but there will be another I just felt it. "I cut his lips off."

I turned around.


I learned to ride a horse or rather I relearned. My mother taught me when I was 10. Mateo encouraged me to start again. There was a Shire horse named Pablo, Verena rescued a couple of years ago. Also happens to be one of the only horses that could hold my weight. Mateo introduced him to me and slowly been trying to gain his trust. He was tall standing at 8'. He was all black except for his pink nose and a white streak that ran between his eyes. He freaked when saw me at first. Proceed me as a threat because of how tall I was but after a couple of days I been coming here as often as I can to feed him carrots and apples. He likes me now. He lets me pet him unlike before.

"Are you riding, today?" I turned around to see Verena. She wore a black button-up and blue bell buttons. With a tan cowboy hat. No heels she was shorter than usual and had no makeup but she was beautiful.

"Yeah if Pablo lets me." She walks up to Pablo and strokes his long black hair which didn't last very long because he put his face in her cleavage. She grumbled pushing his head away while moving back. Maybe if I had those he would. I chuckled.

"I think he would," Verena said. "Once he likes you he is very protective."

I helped her saddle up her horse Lu, who was the smaller version of Pablo. She struggles but manages to get onto Lu. "Saddle up." She nodded over to the saddle and blankets by the railings. I grinned and did as told. As soon as I got on Mateo zooms past us on his horse.

"The last one to the stones will be La Llorona's next victim." I turned to Verena who was already looking at me. She smiled with gleaming mischief in her eyes before she gave Lu the signal and they sprinted off. It was brilliant. She grabbed a hat from a wooden pole and rode off behind Mateo. I gave the same signal to Pablo and we were off.

The sun wasn't completely up so it looked as if it was going to rain. The air was cool and there was a breeze so I wouldn't die under my mask for now. Mexico is beautiful but the heat here was not for the weak. I followed them for at least five miles not trying to sap Pablo out. Mateo made it first with Verena close behind. He stopped at a tree next to some tombstones. It was only thing out here for miles.

Mateo got off his horse and then helped Verena off. "Thank you." She said all evidence of a smile was gone. I got off and stood behind them as they tied their horses to a branch. Verena walked up to me. On her tippy toes, she raised her hand to move up to my helmet. I instinctually grabbed her hand. Her eyes met mine and then I let her hand go. I bent down and she took off my helmet and put on the cowboy hat. "A sombrero is better for the heat." She said softly. I pushed down the sombrero and tilted my head then took my helmet back.

She turned around and walked up to Mateo he placed his arm around her shoulder and they both paid their respects. Three tombs.

Rafael M. Montego.
Noris Montego
Guadalupe Montego.

Verena got on the ground and brushed off the leaves and dusk over Noris and Rafeal tombs while Mateo did the same to Guadalupe's. Opening his vest Mateo put down three green stones. They both prayed and sat in silence before getting back up.

So much death surrounds them.

We rode back this time Pablo and I taking the lead.

When we got back to the house I was surprised to see Sebastian in the kitchen flirting with the cooks. Sebastian? Sebastian fucking Krueger? He leaned over her ears and whispered sweet nothings in who knows what fucking language. "Kreuger," I said sharply. He was leaning over the side of the table. He looked up at me expression completely changing. "Why are you here?"

"To see you. I heard a rumor and managed to track you down, wasn't easy." He said walking over but then he walked right past me. I turned to see Verena and Mateo. "Well and who are you?"

"You come to my house and don't know who I am?" He smiled, and one of his famous fuck boys smiles. Already seeking a challenge. He was charming I must admit but if think he was going to get Verena Montego in bed like she is another common whore I will cut his limps off. Or she might.

To my surprise, she entertained him. She smirked right back at him. Oh, fuck me.

"Who the fuck is that?" Ghost turned to Keegan, who was glaring down at them. We stood second the floor terrace watching them in the living room. He was clearly flirting with Verena and she was actually laughing. He must have poisoned the air or something because she looked delighted.

"Corporal Sebastian Kreuger, I grew up with him," I said not looking at them. I felt Ghost turn to glare at me. "So you brought a pet home?"

"I don't know how he manage to find me. Nobody knew I was here but he able to track so." I shrugged. Kreuger was no threat at all. If anything he was just a drunk and a flirt.

"Does he know who Verena is?" Keegan asked.

"No, but he sure trying to find out." I frowned.


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