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I was the first to find, Verena. She was in a room hugging Manuel Rivera and his baby, her makeup smudged and her eyes red. She looked as if she had been crying. I was so focused on her I didn't notice Theresa Rivera's lifeless body against the wall. "Verena," I called her eyes met mine and a sign of relief escaped her before she breathed, more tears escaped her eyes. She walked over to me and I grabbed her hand. I wore a glove but I could tell she was cold. Her heels were next to Theresa covered in blood. I called in Ghost and Keegan then picked her up not bothering to ask before doing it. She didn't react just accepted it wrapping her arm around my neck. Manuel followed us carrying his baby.

"Are you hurt?" I asked.

"No." She sniffles. "But I should've died." I felt my heart dropped. She didn't sound like herself.

"And leave Mateo alone." She looked up at me, her lips parted but she didn't respond. She wiped her tears away.

"I'm sorry." She whispered.

"Don't be. Death is something we could never get used to." She closed her eyes and laid her head under my chin. She smelled like a mixture of Sebastian's cologne, roses, and blood. We met Ghost and Keegan out on the side of the building. Keegan already had a car ready. They glanced at her briefly then got in the car. I held her until her feet touched the car floors. She let go of my hand and sat on the left side window.

"Manny is coming."

"He won't fit, Konig is two people in one." Ghost said, nonchalantly.

"He is coming." She looked at me and signaled me with her eyes. "Get in." I tilted my head to the side and got in. She stood up as much as she could her ass against the driver seat then she moved more to the middle so I could get in the side she was in. I'm pretty sure Keegan and Ghost just had a fair view. All my jealousy seem to vanish the second she planted her ass on me. I stopped myself from groaning. Her friend just died but my dick didn't care. I suddenly felt too hot in this mask wondering if she could feel it. Of course, she can fucking feel it.

Rivera slipped into the car and as soon as the door closed Keegan pulled off. Verena's back fell onto my chest. She sat back up giving me space. I kept my hands to myself but as soon as the car started accelerating and decelerating. I put my hand on her hip so she would stop moving so much. It felt like she was grinding so slightly on my dick. Scheiße. (fuck)

I laid my head back and closed my eyes praying to any god that would listen, please drive faster. I took my hands off her hips only to hit a pothole she slide back into my chest again her ass pressing into my raging dick, fuck me. My eyes shot open, nope. I moved her legs to the side so her ass was on my left leg, her legs over my right leg, and her back against the door. No protest but I was too afraid to look at her face. What her expression would be? Horrified. Shocked. Lustful? Or would she be glaring at me? There are three other men in this car and a baby (and a woman just died). I can't have these thoughts right now. I shouldn't be having them at all. She a horrible human being despite what I saw earlier, despite what she said earlier she is still fucking selfish and she only cares about her own interests and benefits.

When the gates opened to the estate I silently cheered to myself. When Keegan opened the door to pick her up I thanked the heavens. I composed myself before getting out of the car and beeline to my room.

I need a shower. Several showers yet I don't think I'm gonna be able to sleep without some releases.


The next morning I woke up hungover, mentally drained and the day hadn't officially started. I started to cry again. Hugging my comforter so my heart could feel warm. Everything was rushing back in and I felt like an all-around bitch. My sinuses were all fucked too because I left the window open. Theresa died and yes I am sad about that. We never hung out but seeing her die cut me so deep. I was the last person she spoke to. She asked me to keep her only daughter safe after I watched her die. I didn't deserve her last moments. Manuel's face, how blank and lost he looked when it finally sunk in that she was dead.

König! I whined into my pillow as the memories started to flow back in. How can I be so stupid? How can I be sad and horny all at the same time? This just proves it more, I'm a piece of shit. Someone just died and there I was bouncing around on König dick. The last thing I could think about was König and how hard it was and I didn't do anything but just sit on his lap. I screamed into my pillow in frustration. I'm frustrated with myself. I buying an SUV because this can't do. I will not find myself in this situation ever again.

Someone knocked pulling me away from thoughts. I sat up my eyes feeling heavy and swollen and my headache was going to kill me. "Come in." Denise walked in holding her notebook in one hand and a coffee in the other.

"Good morning." She beams. But when she noticed how groggy I looked she pouted. "Aw, what's wrong?"

"I don't wanna talk about it." I groaned throwing myself back into my pillow. She placed the coffee down and sat on the edge of the bed.

"If you're not feeling up for it I can't take a payday off." Her tone is serious but her eyes and expression were playful. I shook my head.

"We work but we're staying in bed," I said.

We spent the morning discussing future profits. I felt a little out of it today with good reason. I worked until I couldn't concentrate on what Denise was saying. "I think you should relax the rest of the day." She started to slide off my bed and into her slippers. "I'll send you an email with everything we discussed and everything you need to look over."

"Okay, thank you." I threw myself back into my bed for no more than a second before Keegan walked in. He wore a navy suit today. He looked polished as usual but this time he didn't look like he wanted to kill me. His expression is similar to the night I met him. He smiles. "Are you okay?"

"I should be asking you that." He walked over to my side of the bed. "I figured out who attacked the people at the party yesterday." My eyes widened and I sat up. He pulled out his phone, a picture of Rowan Vero at the party with those goons next to him.

"Oh, he is dead." I gather my strengths and try getting off the bed only to trip over the dress I am still in from last night. Keegan caught me. My hand rested on his chest as he grasped my arm. "Thank you," I said breathlessly. I gathered my dress up in my hand and ran out of my room. I ran as fast as I could to the first floor. My thighs and feet scream with every step I take. I could hear Keegan's footsteps behind me.

I opened Manuel's room to see he was still in bed with Dahlia. He was awake and she was asleep. "Manny," I whispered. I grabbed Keegan's phone and showed Manuel.

"We should've kill him sooner."


Hi ❤️ I just want to thank y'all for reading but I see some people are reading and not voting which is fine but I'm a person that needs validation and when you vote I get that validation. Thank you for the people that are. You guys are my Roman Empire.
Oh, and shit is gonna get messy 😘
Love unicornasses

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