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Luckily we found another herd. Unfortunately for me, Ghost wouldn't take me back unless I shoot one. I grimace looking through the scope and adjusting to the wind and distance. My whole fucking face was numb. I was 63% sure I was at the beginning stages of hypothermia. I'm sure I could tell Ghost but he wouldn't give a fuck. "Shoot the fucking deer." He grumbled. My finger was hovering over the trigger but I didn't have the guts to do it. It was so innocent only doing what it was born to do and I'm over here using it as target practice. I put the rifle down again and hung my head low.

"I can't." I sounded toneless and tired. Which I felt. I was tired, hungry, and fucking cold! "Take me back."

"Bloody fucking hell." Ghost got up first and forcefully pulled me off the ground from my forearm. I didn't say anything suddenly to drain to argue with this sudden treatment. I just let him drag me to the cabin. We walked up to the cabin the huge window showing that the lights were on but I couldn't see anyone in the living room. I guess from down here I can't. He pushed me forward opening the door and walking in.

Nobody was in the living room or kitchen. Maybe they were in the gym or hot tub. I slipped off my boots and jacket leaving them by the door. I was going to walk away but Ghost grabbed my forearm again this time I could feel how strong his grip was. "You wasted my fucking time." He groaned in my ear. His tone changes into something dangerous.

"You're getting paid aren't you?" My eyes widened surprised at how close he was standing. I sucked in a breath and tried hiding my uneasiness.

He grabbed his phone that buzzing in his pocket. "What." He answered and walked away. Relief washed over me as he walked away to take his call.

That night we flew back to my estate. The front door was decorated Esperanza and her family came to spend Christmas at my house. Her family has always been great friends with my family. My grandma was her soul sister. They didn't do everything together. They even made sure to get pregnant around the same time. Then my mom and Esperanza's daughters also ended up becoming best friends and now . . . Gabriel Guerrero. Not my best friend. I wouldn't say I have friends but I knew him since I was in diapers. He was the man I lost my virginity to. I hated him. He was good looking one of the most beautiful things (aside from Keegan) around here but that's all he was.

"Verena." He smirked looking down at me. He opened his arm and before I could protest he hugged me. I grimace feeling bitter. He was tall and lean. He was currently a Lieutenant in the military police that Valeria had wrapped around her finger. So he was built but I wouldn't say he was as strong as König. König was probably half wildebeest. I liked him. I had a crush on him up until I found out he bullied, Mateo. Mateo doesn't hold grudges but I fucking do. In fact, Mateo brushed it off and said it builds character. Nobody messes with my fucking brother unless it's me and ever since then this bastard has been on my shit list. "You smell good but you look better." He winked.

"Don't touch me," I said walking past him to greet his beautiful but judgmental aunts and uncles. His little cousins were here running around my house with their dirty shoes. I guess I couldn't complain I did tell them I would host. We ate a grand meal and opened gifts. Some of his family members shamelessly asked me for money which I responded with no or you can come work for me They always work here. They were aware of what I do and like Esperanza they would never cross me and she would disown them if they ever do.

Keegan walked up from behind me, as I was sitting on the couch talking to one of Gabriel's aunts. She stopped mid-sentence to size him up. He placed his hand on my lower back and I instantly felt every nerve relax. He leaned close to my ear. "I got a call on hold for you."

"From?" If it wasn't anyone important then I would tell them to leave a message.

"Stefan." I frowned.

"Leave a message." He nodded. He placed a lip balm in my hand. . . Random. I opened it and put it on maybe that was his way of telling me my lips were dry. He walked away and I turned back to Reyna who was giving me a look. Basically saying 'Well who is that' With flirty eyes. "He is one of my bodyguards."

"Ese gringo . . ." (That white man) "is a dessert," Nattie said getting on her tippy toes to look over the people to get a better glimpse.

"No mami that man is a whole meal. Damn, they don't make them like that over here." Reyna said. I couldn't help but smile softly. These ladies have no shame. Then I turned to their husband and saw why they didn't.

They dance, I dance by force. Mateo pulled me up to dance getting cheers and howls from them. I couldn't help but laugh and give in. Letting him take the lead as he swung me around. Mateo kept a smile on his face. Then we talked until the uncles were finally fell asleep on my couch. Which was RARE.

Gabriel found me at the end of the night as people were leaving the house and waving goodbye. He thanked me and hugged me. Grabbing my waist and kissing me before I could stop him or process what he was doing. I pushed his chest to no use because his body barely budged. He tasted disgusting like cigarettes and cheap beer. He pulled away with a gasp. Holding his lips. "What's on your lips?" His eyes water and his lips were starting to swell and turn red.

"He is having an allergic reaction." I breath as the words came across my head. "Keegan-"

"Ambulances on their way." He said and then it hit me. I glared at him. I was gonna scowl him later but right now I needed to make sure Gabriel doesn't fucking die. My doctor wasn't here and I'm not sure where he keeps the EpiPen or if he even has any. I helped him on his back to loosen up his tie. He was still breathing but he stopped I would have put him on his side. Reyna screamed when she walked into the foyer. She ran as fast as she could in her heels to get to her son.

I glance up briefly getting a glimpse of two figures standing on the balcony of the second floor. I looked back up again to see König and Ghost already staring at me. Not at the man dying on my floor but at me.


A/N: Yalllll I had a weird ass dream of König. I was walking on a base from class to my barracks and there was a train and next to the train was König running full-speed Flint Lockwood-style. It was honestly terrifying.

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