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"I heard that I'm the only one you said yes to dancing with tonight." Sebastian placed his hand over his chest and smiled like a child just given candy. I chuckled. I am not sure how he found us. I was surprised and amused when he approached. He was very charismatic in his own way not in the same way Mateo is. Mateo could get anyone to like him Sebastian just had something fun that women liked. He also smelled really good today. "You look stunning, my dear so let's give your dogs a dance to remember."

"What do you mean by that?" I whispered, in his ear.

"Place your right leg over my right leg." I blinked in confusion but did so anyway slowly, his hand moved down to my butt to support my weight. Though I would usually feel uncomfortable in people's arms I don't feel that towards Sebastian I can't explain it. "Now raise your other leg and look at me." I did it I don't know why but I did it. He smiled and looked at the leg. "You're a natural." His whisper tickles my neck. Maybe it was wine that but I laughed. My legs down he spins me out then spins me back in.

"You are trouble." I covered my mouth with my hand.

"Me." He playfully gasped. "You are as much trouble as I am if not more. You like this game."

"I like a lot of games this isn't a game." I corrected. Our voices were low because we were the only ones chatting while dancing. He twirled me around and trailed a finger down my back. His other hand grabbed my hip. "You just amuse me."

"I get that a lot." He pursed his lips and nodded. "Well, I guess I have to return you to Cerberus. I was here to see what I can steal and I think I stole the most valuable thing here."

"Which is?"

"You attention." I laughed and shook my head. "On a serious note, I should probably go before they find a way to kill me."

"Okay take care, Sebastian." I spotted Theresa for whatever reason she was alone with the baby. Confused I walked over to her. I placed my hand on her shoulder and she flinched and turned to me horrified. Dahlia in her arms was sound asleep. Manuel would never leave her side. "What's wrong?" Her green eyes started to tear up. I rubbed my hand on her right arm.

"I don't know." She whispered. "He was here one moment then I turned around and he was gone." I nodded. No guards around here either.

"Okay, I'll have someone find him and come sit with me. My men will protect you." I place my hand on her back. I picked up my dress so I wouldn't step on it and face plant the floor. As we got closer to the table the doors to the entrance flew open. Men poured in, in all black and suited up. Fuck. With no time to get to my table, I grabbed Theresa's forearm as people started running and screaming. Either this was military/police or they were coming to rob.

I know Keegan, Ghost, and König always kept their eyes on me. Hopefully, they can catch up. I have no doubts they could but with the people running and screaming they might have some mishaps.

I pulled her into an empty hall and decided to pause for a second. I would never take off my heels I would rather die. But I couldn't risk Theresa or my goddaughter getting hurt I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I held them in my hand and started to lightly jog.

We made it into the empty office. Dahlia was sound asleep and though she cringed her tiny face she didn't wake up. "Sit here," I said pulling the chair out for her. I threw my heels down. I looked around the office and started to throw shit around to see if I could find a key. I opened a drawer and found the silver key. "Do not open this door for anyone I will go find Manuel. Okay." She nodded. I locked the door and slammed it close making sure it was secured before turning around.

I hated the feeling of my feet directly touching the carpet. I jog back down to the ballroom peeking in and hugging the wall to hide myself in the shadows. The intruders were gathering people they managed to grab. They put them down on their knees and stole their jewelry. Which made me feel so much better (at least it wasn't the police.)

When I didn't spot the guys or Manuel I turned around and started to check room after room. I didn't have my phone because I couldn't carry it in this dress. I turned the corner only to bump into a hard chest. Before they had the time to react I slid my hand in their pocket pulling out a knife. I used my body weight and pushed them into a wall placing their knife against their throat. When I realized it was one of those intruders I cut, pulling away quickly so I won't get much blood on me. It covers the knife and my fingertips. I checked his pockets, finding a handgun and a rifle with a strap.

I grabbed the rifle putting the strapped over my shoulder and swigging it back. No silencer. Better than nothing.

I round the corner again finding nothing. After 15 minutes I decided that I needed to get back to Theresa. For all I knew the boys were probably looking for me and I couldn't miss them by running around. We need a plan if this ever happens again.

I jogged back to the office avoiding situations I wouldn't be able to fight myself. When I got to the room I noticed the door opened. My heart sank as I heard Dahlia screaming her head off. I rushed in noticing a man on top of Theresa as she cried and screamed trying to protect Dahlia. They were against the wall. Without a second thought, I shot him. His body fell right next to her. Thinking over my shock I walked over to her. She was shaking. "Theresa, are you okay?"

She shook her head. Her eyes closed and her head slowly fell to the side. "Theresa!" I groaned. I look down at her body, blood. She was bleeding.

"I can't take this anymore." She whispered. "Please keep her safe. Tell Manny I love him." I shook my head.

"You tell him." I cried. I felt my tears fall and the guilt swallows me. I shouldn't have left her.

Her body fell limp. I swallowed the urge to sob and hugged Dahlia closer. I needed to focus or I could be next. I grabbed Theresa's bag grabbed a warm bottle and held it up for Dahlia, she immediately stopped crying. I heard footsteps approaching and I swiftly got over under the desk. Covering my mouth to suppress the urge to sob. I couldn't stop the tears.

"Theresa?" I heard a familiar voice. "Theresa!" My heart broke at the sound of his pain in his voice.

"Manuel," I called. I heard his footsteps as he approached us. A look of relief washed over his face when he saw his baby.

He helped me up and hugged me as I started to cry. My body gave up on me leaning into him. "I couldn't save her Manny." I felt the guilt consume me. She meant everything to him and I couldn't save her. "It should've been me."


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