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          "You have no respect." Miley looked up at me, tears running down her face. Maybe there was a time when I would have cared if she cried not as a lover but as a friend now I just wanted to laugh. I know she heard us, she heard Verena, the bed creaking. Any woman with self-respect would've left. I made it a point I wanted her to hear her.

"If you're not here to serve me divorce papers I want you to leave." She wiped her tears away. She looked down at her hands and the napkin she using to wipe her face. Johnny told me, she had feelings for me after we went to court to get married. I knew I fucked up at soon as he said that because to me this was nothing but a marriage of convenience. I was helping her with her family issues at the time. We were close but I never had an interest in dating anyone, I was young and selfish. Now I'm older and still selfish.

"How long have you been fucking her?" She demanded. I rolled my eyes. What the fuck is this shit?

"Why are acting like you care? I never loved you like that but now that this is over I can go back to my whoring." She used to call Johnny and I whores, I kept to myself most of the time but because Johnny needed a chaperone I was always there to see the girls throw themselves at him. I was never the type to whore around but somehow got associated. I think it was her way of flirting or being jealous.

"I saw her and the blonde guy this morning." I laughed.

"Yes and?" I raised an eyebrow, smiling mockingly. "We shared her in a closet."

"You stopped wearing your mask for her. You're so fucked."

"And you certainly know where you're fucking wanted just get out. Don't come around causing problems Miley. The next time-"

"You'll what." She looked at me with the same look she used to give to Price whenever they would argue.

I laughed. "You know what I'm capable of." That was a threat of its own accord. "Send the divorce papers."


              I woke up with a pounding headache. Simon's cat lay next to my head. It's a head nuzzle in my neck. I slowly sat up holding in a sneeze. I sneezed into my shirt so hard tears started to flow and my chest started to ache. I whipped my tears away. My eyes felt so heavy but I turned to Bells and ran my hands over its soft little head. She started to purr, so loudly. So fucking cute. Now I want a cat along with allergy medicine.

I checked my phone only to see a message from William Berg. He sent a picture of Stacy and I hugging. I don't remember taking the picture.

Then I check social media to see König and I plastered everywhere. Welp.

I slammed my phone down and hid under blankets. I don't usually get hungover but whenever I mix different alcohol I do. I had bourbon and tequila. Wasn't the brightest idea.

I should get up and start packing. It wasn't time for me to leave but being here after all the shit that happened yesterday I didn't want to be here anymore. I didn't want to be around them right now I didn't want to get up from this bed it was comfortable.

I poked my head out of the blanket when I heard the doorknob being messed with. The door flung open and in walked in Sebastian. He held out a mug for me and smiled. "Good afternoon." He said sitting down next to my legs. He kissed my cheek. "Or good morning to you love."

"What are you doing here?" I sipped whatever was in the mug. Hot cocoa. Hmm, I should just marry him. He knows exactly what I need in my life.

"I was in town and I read online that so were you. You know it's starting to get really easy to find you." I should do something about it before Rowan or any of my enemies get a hit on me. Though somehow I doubt they had any influence over here. Not the way I do at least.

"I'm not leaving this bed today," I said.

"That's fine."

He made himself comfortable and we started to talk about his trips around the world. All the celebrities he has done drugs with. He said he had done shrooms with a well-known American actor. They went to Thailand together and woke up in the countryside. "I was being sexually harassed why this woman. She insisted she wanted to see my penis. She kept grabbing my dick and ball and squeezing." I laughed. He is such an idiot. "I told her if she wanted to see it all she needed to do was ask."

"You're depraved." He laid on his back looking at the ceiling while I faced him on my side.

"We didn't have sex." He playfully glared turning to look at me. "I don't mind showing little me off."

"Gross." I shook my head. He nudged me laughing.

"Joking." I figured but still gross.

"When I walked in here today I was surprised to see everyone was in the living room." My eyes brows furrowed. "They're waiting for you."

I snorted laying my head back down. "I don't care." Let them wait especially Keegan and Simon, even if it sounds childish I don't care. Even if part of the issue is my fault I don't care. I'm tired and hungover and I don't want to deal with drama. I hugged a pillow and closed my eyes.


                  We went out for a run. Keegan and Ghost have a lot of bottled-up anger so we all collectively agreed on a run. To my surprise, they're civil with each other maybe even friendly. Before we wouldn't speak to each other unless we were working out or just working. Ever since they had been to Sonora I would see them occasionally joke and talk.

I guess from our years of training we dressed similarly to each other. SnapBacks with a medical mask, white or black shirts, and shorts. Considering the fact we are all taller than the average male people didn't shy away from staring at us. I looked away but Simon and Keegan might be looking for a fight. We ran for miles not sure how many but when we stopped we were in the middle of a park. My mouth was dry and my breathing heavier than usual but if needed I could still run.

"Should we continue?" Keegan asked, taking out his earphones.

"That was like 10 miles." Why would we need to run more?

"Burgers?" Ghost smiled rubbing his chest.

"Fuck yeah." Keegan

We ran back to a burger place that was close to Ghost's flat. We walked in there and it suddenly got quiet. People stared. I ordered a double cheeseburger for myself and a burger for Verena.

When we got back Sebastian was in the living room drinking a beer and watching the game. "Thing one, two, and Dr Seuss." He lifted his beer. What a greeting."The princess is still sounds asleep but I don't mind waking her up like a Disney princess."

"Fuck off, fucker." Ghost burst out laughing. I walked into her room. She hugged the blanket when she slept. She looks so peaceful. No anger or rage. "Verena." He groaned turning over and opening her eyes.

"Food," I said and she slowly sat up. She stared at the wall again before lying back down. After a couple of minutes, she sat back up and grabbed the bag.

"Thank you." She whispered.


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