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"You're late and you stink." I snapped at Verena. She was still in the same dress from yesterday and she didn't stink she just smelled a lot like Sebastian. She ignored me and concentrated on her laptop leaning over the counter so her arse was in perfect view. Is she doing this shit on purpose? Her face was bare and I guess she had just been too busy to try today, she still looked beautiful. "Are you going to run in that?" I pointed.

"I'm not in the mood, Ghost." She stood up still looking at her laptop. I snorted and slammed it close over her hands. Her eyes snapped up at me with that familiar angry look that I loved. "What the fuck do you want?" She sounded calm, calm but ready to blow. Remind me of how my mum would talk to me before she yells her head off.

"A fucking explanation. We're supposed to run today and you're not dressed." I snapped.

"Are you insane? My best friend's wife just died." She brought up her hand to her button lip and twisted it. Her eyes water, I know she wouldn't cry in front of me. I don't want her to either.

I leaned down close to her level. "Maybe if you were stronger she would still be alive." Her hand raised and she swung her hand in one swift motion and slapped me. This one was so much better I was almost impressed. Frankly, I didn't care that she hurt if it wasn't physical then it wasn't my concern I wasn't here to make her feel better. She needed to get stronger. I also liked the fact that I was able to piss her off. "There you go, little devil."

"I don't know what the fuck you want from me but you need to learn your place because I will drop you." She pointed at me. I could bite her finger.

"If you wanted to you would've." She intrigued me in the same way people are fascinated by the minds of serial killers. Except instead of trying to steer away I want more of her anger. If she wanted to stab me I probably let her. I don't think I ever experienced a want like this before. It was dangerous at the same time exciting. "You could've in Colorado but you didn't. Maybe you don't like that you need me and that's okay because I don't care."

I place my left hand on her bare back and my right intertwined in her hair. She was cold, this girl was always cold. She gasped and with that alone, made my dick rock hard. "I like to kill Montego. I won't deny shit." I pressed my chest into her. Her breathing getting heavier, I tilted her head back, the urge to kiss her neck, bite those lips until they bleed. The look in her eyes was everything I needed lust and anger, exactly how I was feeling the day she made me kill Maria. This was risky, in the kitchen? Where anyone can walk in? I'm sure nobody would at this time but that doesn't mean König or Keegan won't be looking for us right now or I won't get slapped by her again. "I never killed for the money I like the power, I like to control. I like it when they fear me. I like it when you started that game and we can just keep going at it."

I looked down at her lips as I trailed my thump down her jaw. Fuck.

No what was I doing? I let her go backing away. I got too carried away I wasn't supposed to touch her. I left her there hoping she was just as scramble as I intended to leave her.


"They're literally the best of the best. You wouldn't find anyone more capable than them." Marcus said over the phone. He was in the Bora Bora with his wife and he happened to call me claiming he had a feeling something bad happened. Which he wasn't wrong something bad did happen. I don't know how he would know. He must talk to Esperanza though he claims he is just psychic. I did tell him about how I felt about my new bodyguards. They were good I can't deny that but Marcus was better for me.

1. I can see his face.
2. He is like a father to me and Mateo.
3, He would never ever treat me like Ghost. Ever.

Ghost was tactical, smart (a fucking ass wipe) but reliable when it came down to it. König is fast, level-headed, and actually really nice and gentle despite what he looks like and Keegan is good at computer/hacking, he trains the guards well and finds anything about anyone. Marcus was all that in one but he was just old. Marcus was there from the beginning for me. After what Ghost said to me today I miss Marcus so much more. He would've never said those things to me. He would've scolded me in his fatherly way and then taught me how to be better. Ghost just made me feel more like shit and confused me. I shook my head feeling my cheek get hot.

"Should I return?" Marcus said, bring me back to reality.

"No," I said too softly. I wanted to scream yes. I cleared my throat. "You're retired none of this is your concern."

"Verena someone just died." I smiled when he said my name.

"People die all the time Marcus. This isn't anything new." I leaned back into my vanity chair, my feet up and I stared at my mirror. I look like poop, I feel like poop. I frowned and spun the chair so I wasn't facing the mirror.

"You liked Theresa, Señorita." He acknowledged. "You guys were friends."

"You're the one that taught me that we can't spend our lives dwelling on the dead. The world moves on business moves on." I snapped. I rubbed my palm into my forehead and closed my eyes.

"Yes, I also taught you to respect them accordingly." He said calmly.

"Marcus I promise I'm fine." Lies. "Everything is under control." Lies.

"Sos una mentirosa pendeja." (You are a liar stupid) I burst out laughing. I guess Retired Marcus is a change man.

"I miss you but seriously you deserve to have fun with your wife. Viviana will kill me if you leave Bora Bora." I chuckled.

We talked for a bit more about his trip and Mateo before hanging up the phone and then I turned around to look at myself in the mirror. I looked so tired. I woke up early this morning and then I helped Marcus planned out the funeral. I paid for everything even though he didn't want too I felt like it was the least I could do.

I signed, got up and slipped into bed.


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