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         "You could've told me," Verena said to König. Her expression was the same as always, nothing but a frown or a glare. She was hard to read I'm sure she made that a habit in a world full of men. We stood out on the back deck looking at the mountains. König told us how they got his father right after we got out. Arrested him. She got upset about it which was surprising because when does she ever care about anyone's interest other than her own? König father was a mob boss drugs weren't the only thing he sold.

"My father is almost as untouchable as you." König shrugged. "He will be fine."

She rolled her eyes and leaned back in her chair. The cold made her nose and cheeks red. She was the most layer person out here. I wore a fleece and a coat, Ghost wore a fleece and König wore a long-sleeve shirt and I'm pretty sure we are all warmer than her right now. She had a fleece and three blankets on and she still looked cold. I catch her sneaking glances at König and Ghost but her expression stays neutral she wasn't gawking at them like all my sisters and mom were. She just studied them and looked away. She does it when they aren't paying attention to her. Which was rare because they were almost always paying attention to her. Now it was just easier to tell what they're thinking.

"Do you guys think we are going to beat Rowan?" She asked suddenly. Taking the warm mug into her red hands and getting closer to the fire pit. I want to hug her and give her some of my warmth I just know that König and Ghost had feelings for her as well. Conflicting feelings because we all lied for her and the cost was guaranteed death. If we told the truth I'm sure no matter what Verena or Marcus felt for us were they would have sent for our heads. If we were sent to Al Mezrah we would have died 100% sure. We were almost fucked if it wasn't for that lawyer and the bullshit loophole.

"I think he was more competition than we realized," I said taking a sip of my spiked hot cocoa. "I also think the union has come together to take you down. They're scared of you."

Verena looked out in the distance. Snow must remind her of Mateo because she cringed the way she usually does when she sees something that reminds her of him. I could see that, I could at least read that. I've seen lust, rage, hate, sadness, and pain from her but it still fascinates me when her expression changes in the slightest.

"We'll get him," König said. "Takes patience."

"You've got everything you need to get him. Power, money, and I guess you're smart too." Ghost complimented? Verena burst out laughing.

"I am smart, you shit," The corner of his lips twitch and he shrugged as if he genuinely didn't know.

"Questionable." He says. I chuckled and was rewarded with a death glare.

"You're smart. You don't need Ghost validation." König said in an even tone.

"Yeah you're absolutely right" She grinned. "Besides who's the billionaire." She pursed her lips and looked at him pointedly. The wind picked up and she visibly shivered. With a low 'fuck that' she stood up and rushed inside. We followed shortly behind with our mugs. Taking off our layers. I walked to the kitchen to help my mom and sister Keira clean while everyone gathered around the fireplace. My family is very welcoming, especially my mom. My dad just follows everything she says.

The doorbell rang and my sister Kelly sprang up from the dining room to open it. Could be her boyfriend. I remember she mentioned one name Chad or some shit. Pops hates Chad but he hates anyone my sister dates. Keira is married and he hates her husband because he isn't man enough (meaning why isn't he a marine.)

Kelly basically skips towards the door and swings it open. Honestly living in a small town we always left the door open. Everyone knew everyone and barely anyone left town. Her expression was happy up until she saw who was standing there with Chase.

Miles the family dog rushes to the door, to Jennifer Hemings. A very pregnant Jennifer Hemings.

My eyes widened and my head went blank. When she noticed me her eyes brightened. My eyes trailed over at Verena but she was already looking at me and noting the silent exchange I was having with Jennifer. Shit.

"What the fuck?" I breathe. My mom glared at me but then looked over at Jennifer fucking Hemings and her stupid little brother Charles Hemings.

"Keegan don't freak out." My mom said calmly.

"Hold the fuck up. You knew about this?!" I threw the cloth on the counter and turned to look at my mother and the woman who could be carrying- I don't even wanna think about it. My stomach flopped and I wanted to throw up at the thought.

"Keegan watch your tone." My father said. My mom raised her hand to stop him from losing his shit on me. Good because I think I might lose mine.

I came home seven months ago briefly to see my family and close friends. Long story short some of my friends wanted to drink at the local dive bar and I regretfully woke up in Jennifer Hemings's bed the next morning. I don't remember leaving the bar. I do remember leaving and telling her to never try to sleep with me again. But here she was wobbling to take my hand into her, I pulled away clear disgust on my face.

"You finally get to meet your daddy." She said in a disgusting baby voice. I flinched. Oh fuck no. I swear I could see Ghost holding his laughter and König more amused than he had ever shown before. Bastards.


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