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Aiko rubbed her eyes.
"Well anyways..."
She said with a small laugh.

"I know this whole thing has been kind of a downer. And I'm sorry about that. So let's liven things up a little bit, I swear I can see some of you guys crying!"
She bent forward and peered into the crowd.

"Stop that! If you cry I'll cry!"
She pointed at a random person in the front row.

She walked backstage and grabbed a tissue.
She laughed, the cameras zoomed in on the random teen boy with fluffy blue hair, who was clutching onto the tissue like it was made of gold.

"Let's lighten things up really quick! Alright?"
She looked around at the band who started to play an upbeat song, she smiled and started to sing the drastically different melody.


After a few known songs that did help lift up the atmosphere and Dry up the crowds tears.

Aiko definitely hadn't expected them to get so upset over HER pain. But it was kinda sweet. That strangers cared, that she had effected people with her song and her life.

"Alright alright!"
She said, quieting down the crowd.
"I'm gonna do something different alright?"

She set up the micstand.
"So... this is actually... probably the oldest song I've written. Other than the mumbojumbo I made up in my head as a kid. This was written during my first year of middle school."
She said with a smile.
"About... someone I had a little crush on..."

The crowd cheered with little squeals and 'awhs' at the very mention of Aiko crushing on someone.

Aiko laughed.
"Yeah, I actually still know this person. Though I definitely don't feel the same way about them that I did when I was younger, I do still care about them a lot. And I don't think they know that."

She walked to the side of the stage and picked something up.
"Okay guys... so I learned how to play the guitar basically a month ago. So if I suck... don't hold it against me alright?!"

She walked back over to the stand, setting her mic in it's clasp.
"But I think singing this with an acoustic instrument really keeps the innocence of it. I wrote this as a kid, and I think the simplicity of my feelings you know."

She slung the guitar strap over her shoulders and tested the strings briefly.

Kyoka Jirou could have fainted right then and there. Not because she was worried about Aiko messing up.
But because it was HER guitar. With HER name on it. For everyone to see.

"Also thanks to my wonderful guitar teacher. Who actually didn't know at the time that I was... you know, A.Z? But she helped me anyway, even when I told her the crazy small amount of time I had to learn."

She smiled.

"I would dedicate this song to her.. but it's a love song and if it sucks I'm sure she doesn't want her name attached to it. Since she's totally gonna be a rockstar wayyy more popular than me one day."

Jirou covered her mouth with her hands. Heart pounding. Denki gave her shoulder a pat as she stared up at the stage.
Watching Aiko holding her guitar, showing the world her name.

She was on cloud 9.

"So... I'm sorry if I mess this up."

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