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"All those threats, and they don't even show up. Figures." Kirishima scoffed, checking his phone and looking around.

"D-do you think they told?"
Midoriya asked, his cheek stinging from the recent strike. Iida had hit him earlier, now the group was waiting for the students from class 1B. But they were a few minutes late.

"If they did I wouldn't blame them."
Momo said, looking around. "But it wouldn't be a good thing for us."

"If that is the case we need to get going quickly. Before a Pro can come to stop us." Todoroki said calmly.

A car pulled up in front of the hospital and the group eyed it suspiciously. It rolled to a stop, the car was a fairly big one. It was light blue in color and had a few stickers on the back, but they couldn't read them from their position. "Act natural." Iida whispered. "We're not doing anything wrong."

The group looked at the car, that had music playing inside and then turned to each other, acting as though deep in conversation. The passenger door popped open, though no one was currently sitting there. "Get in assholes." Tris whisper-yelled from the driver's seat.
The group looked at each other and then started to walk over.

"Snow!" Iida whispered. "Did you steal this vehicle?!"

Tris scoffed.
"No you idiot, it's mine."

"Are you licensed to drive?"
Momo asked, hesitating outside the door.

"Duh. What? Do you want to check my license? Run my license plate number? Stop wasting time and just get in!" She hissed.

"Were you guys planning and walking around in public on foot?! Just a bunch of UA students walking around the streets alone? Really bright idea." Monoma scoffed, he was sitting in the back, the VERY back. There were three rows of seats.

"Thank you."
Midoriya said to Tris with a polite smile, he climbed in the back to sit beside Monoma and make room for the others.

Iida took the front seat. Momo, Kirishima and Todoroki sat in front of Midoriya and Monoma.

The car pulled off easily as Tris steered them into traffic. "So, where are we going?" She asked at a normal volume. Turning her radio down. Iida held up the receiver for her to watch. She made a light humming noise and took it, setting it up on the dash so she could keep an eye on the device.

It was quiet for a while.

Not a good quiet either, an awkward: 'should say something but can't think of what to say' kinda silence filled the car.

"So uh... Why are you guys coming again?"
Midoriya squeaked, looking at Monoma beside him and then leaning forward to ask Tris. "Don't get me wrong, this car was a really good idea and all. But why do you guys care?"

Monoma just scoffed and kept looking out the window. "Can't let your class do all the heroic stuff." He said simply, though it wasn't the real reason.

He just had too much pride to admit that he still cared about Aiko a lot, even as just a friend and wanted to do anything he could to make sure she was okay.

"Yeah, I mean... I was kinda under the impression you like... Hated Aiko?" Kirishima said leaning to get a better look at Tris. "So why are you doing all this? You know you can get in serious trouble right?"

Tris rolled her eyes.
"Of course I know that."
She mumbled through clinched teeth.

"So what's up? Why are you doing This?"
Kirishima asked again.

"Because, I feel like it."
Tris said.

"That's a very BAD reason to commit a possible felony!" Iida criticized.

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