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A/N: what is this?! An update from unmasked?!

While I'm gonna try to keep updating this regularly just... Don't get your hopes up lol. But enjoy this kinda short chapter! Bye bye(⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)


Class 1B fell through the ground. Screaming and flailing around in panic. The darkness around them looked just like the portals of that one member of the league of villains.
'This is it. It's our turn, we're gonna be scattered and attacked just like 1A.' They all thought something along those lines.

Then they fell to the ground, hard. Actually it wasn't the ground. They pulled themselves up, fists clinched. They were ready for a fight. But then they realized they were all together and they weren't actual on the ground. When standing up they saw that they were three stories high. The building they were on over looked the field they had started off in.

There was only one person that wasn't from their class. A student with a Shiketsu hat on. They were standing on the parapet with their arms crossed. They were dressed in all black from head to toe. With thick soled combat boots and gloves with open finger tips. A tight green braid whipped behind her, under her hat. Covering her face was a black mask.

"AAHH!!" Tetsutetsu got off the ground and charged the figure. But ran through a portal instead. Falling back on the ground where he had been previously. The rest of the class just stared as he tried again.

And again. All from different angles, trying to dodge the portals but failing.

"You done yet?" Tris grunted, grabbing his arm and stopping him from charging again.

"You have a weird way of expressing thanks." The masked female said with a laugh. She pointed her thumb over her shoulder to the area they had just been at. It was crawling with other classes. "You do realize literally everyone is trying to take you guys down."

"Why us?!" A boy asked.

"Because of the sports festival idiot." Monoma snapped.

"Even though none of you guys got that high, you still managed to put out vital information about your quirks. Plus destroying UA kids is pretty much tradition for all of the rival schools." She shrugged.

"Thank you!" Kendo said, stepping forward as the class's representative. "You didn't have to help us."

"Yeah, so why'd you do it?" Tris interrupted suspiciously.

"What? You think I'm gonna just take you all out? I don't have any reason to attack you guys, with my quirk I could take anyone out from up here." The girl said. "I did it because I find a few of you mildly intriguing and it's not really fair to target an entire class because you're jealous of their popularity."

"Intriguing?" Monoma asked. But he was ignored.

"What's your name?" Kendo asked her. The student gripped her mask and pulled it off. Revealing Mitch matched skin tones and a third eye on her forehead.

"The name's Hotoki Rose." She said with a smirk.

"You're Aiko's friend." Monoma mumbled. "You played at her concert."

She hummed and nodded, fondly remembering that day. "Yeah that was fun, the best part of it was watching your facial expressions." She teased him. He looked away with a glare.
"So, what's the plan?"


Aiko yelled, jumping over her classmates infront of her. Balls flew at them, thrown By Yo Shindo and his class. As Aiko had expected, they weren't actually friendly.

She sent a strong burst of wind to counter their attack. The balls few backwards towards the other examines. She heard two quite pings in the distance. She'd hit targets, but not enough to pass. To pass she had to eliminate two other students or just six targets.

She didn't really like that. But she also didn't have a choice.

The rest of her class defended themselves just as well and turns out they really actually needed Nishi. Who was currently bending the entire metal platform they were standing on. She broke it into hundreds of small metal shields she she manipulated individually. Building and destroying walls within seconds. Not keeping anything up long enough to become inconvenient for Aiko's class.

Aiko had never really seen Nishi's quirk in combat, just really when she walked or moving things like forks casually. Aiko had no idea just how much she could move at a time. Or how she could manipulate metal into an almost liquid state and mold it into any shape she wanted.

Aiko stood in front of a few of her classmates bending air to stop all of the rubber balls flying towards them. The group was pretty much keeping on the defensive, not yet going for an offensive attack.

Aiko glanced around and realized Bakugou, Kirishima and even Denki had left. She bit her lip nervously worried for them, but they could all handle themselves. Right?

Right! They're just as good as she is and Bakugou is probably top of the class when it comes to combat. She'll see them in the next test.

The balls slowed down and Yo Shindo said something. Then threw his hands back and the forward against the ground. Aiko felt it shake. "EVERYONE GET OFF THE GROUND!!!" She screamed. She grabbed Jirou's arm and launched them into the air.

Most of the rest of the class was able to get themselves off the ground with their quirks. Aiko grabbed Jirou on instinct, knowing she wasn't able to do it on her own. "AHH!" Jirou yelled, wrapping her arms around Aiko. "A WARNING NEXT TIME!" She yelled over the air currents.

"I GAVE YOU A WARNING!!" Aiko yelled back before carefully landing on a rock. The ground had been completely turned up. Solid rocks stuck up from the jagged landscape. A few other students landed just as gracefully while others got separated in the chaos and couldn't lift off the ground.

"So what now?" Jirou asked, tapping her earjacks against the ground. "Everyone is separated now, but that class is still in a group behind those rocks over there."

"We should ditch." Nishi came down with her arms crossed. She was on a hovering metal platform. "Find a smaller group to overpower."

"What about everyone else?" Aiko asked, Jirou shook her head. "Most of them are leaving too." She said, retracting her aux cord.

Nishi put out her hand. "Climb on."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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