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This song....🤌


"Come on kid."
Thunderstruck said. It was six o'clock on her first official day of this internship. She had spent the night on the stiff guest bed. She had just drank a protein shake for breakfast and reported for duty.
Turned around and put something on her head.

Aiko's hands touched the helmet he had put over her hair.
"What's this for?"
She asked, hoping he wasn't going to make her walk around with a bulky helmet for no reason.

"We're going on patrol, if you fall off my bike and bust open your head I won't be allowed to take on interns for awhile."
He said, pulling on his jacket.

"Your bike?"
Aiko questioned, buckling the strap of the helmet under her chin after shoving her mask into her pocket.

He said, without giving her much more information. "How else are we supposed to cover half the city in an hour?"

Aiko just shrugged and followed him outside. "Are you sure this is the best idea. On how to teach me? Shouldn't you tell me what to do first?" She asked nervously.
He looked back at her.

"Nope, if you're going into the hero biz then you should go ahead and learn how to work off the cuff. You won't always have time to be told what to do first."
He tapped her forehead.
"Act first and then think. That's my motto!"

'Thats a horrible motto.'
Aiko deadpanned.

"But what if I mess something up?"
She asked, trying to catch up to him.

"Then fix it."
He shrugged.
"I have your back, my job is to help you. Not to wait for you to mess up and lecture you about it."

He said, he stopped walking and Aiko realized he was standing beside a huge motorcycle. He swung his leg over and sat down, nodding for her to sit behind him.
Aiko frowned and barely managed to climb into the bike, straddling it in-between her thighs.
She yelped as he started it and the loud engine growled to life. The radio started to blare over the engine and wouldn't you know it.

It was playing Thunderstruck by AC/DC.

Was this a coincidence or did he make sure this song was always playing when he was on patrol?
Thunderstruck smirked and glanced at her in the mirror for a second, before taking off quickly. Aiko gasped and grabbed onto the side of the seat behind her to steady herself.

The bike thundered as he practically flew down the streets. She didn't know how he could even tell if there was any sort of struggle with the speed he was going. She could barely see a thing.
She clinched every muscle in her body to keep from falling and her jaw felt like it was going to fall off with how tightly she was holding it shut.

Aiko barely breathed as they zoomed around the city. Though she kinda liked it, this feeling of adrenaline and the speed she was going. It kinda felt cool.

She passed what looked like Bakugou. But there was no way it was actually him, the guys hair was way too nicely combed. Though when going past the teen and the man infront of him, who was dressed in all blue thunderstruck popped a wheelie. Lifting the front tire of his bike off the ground.

Aiko panicked and wrapped her arms around the man's waist to keep from falling off.


"That is everything that is wrong with a hero. He is a showboating scallywag. The reason I have taken you on is to make sure you don't turn into that type of hero."

Bakugou growled at best jeanist. His stupid mentor.

Just ten seconds ago the pro hero thunderstruck had passed them, with Aiko. On his fucking Motorcycle.
"Can't I trade with her?!"
He asked through gritted teeth.

He had bragged earlier about having a higher ranking hero. But now all he wanted was to be badass with Thunderstruck and Aiko. Why did she get a cool mentor?!

"No. You can't."
Best jeanist said firmly.
"That poor girl, I can't imagine what crazed escapades he's making her go though."

Bakugou rolled his eyes at jeanist.

"If only she had accepted my offer. I could have shown her how to be a reformed hero." Jeanist sighed.

"Wait... you gave her an offer?!"
Bakugou asked.

"Of course I did. Every hero around here did. But why she picked thunderstruck off all people I don't understand."
Jeanist shook his head.
"It was a very immature decision indeed."

Bakugou scoffed.
"Don't be such and asshole. Aiko spent hours trying to pick a pro to intern under. She didn't pick anyone who put in an offer after her identity came out either, she wanted to find a pro that wanted her for her. Not for her fame. There's nothing immature about that."
The teen grumbled.

"Oh? Well I suppose that was wise. But thunderstruck is a showboating idiot. She won't thrive under him, hell only make her arrogant like him."
Jeanist said with a sigh.

'Actually... that wouldn't be such a bad thing for her. This guy thinks she's confident just because she's a celebrity. He doesn't know that she's super insecure...'
Bakugou did voice his thoughts. He wanted this conversation to end.


Thunderstruck said after they parked.

Aiko said, looking up to see his phone flipped to get both of them in a picture. He had his hand up in a peace sign and his tounge stuck out.
"I wasn't ready!"

"I'm just trying to get that YouTuber clout."
He said with a smirk, slipping off the bike.

"Why did we stop?"
Aiko asked, turning to side side saddle on the motorcycle.

"I'm hungry."
He said. They stopped at a boardwalk that had a few small food stands and other activities. The place had a lot of people walking around in groups.

Anxiety squeezed her ribcage.
"There's a lot of people here."
She mumbled.

He asked, glancing up from his phone.

Aiko frowned.
"So I don't like crowds."

He laughed.
"If that's the case then I suggest you chose a different profession kid."

She crossed her arms.
"That's not helpful."

"Zhu you're a public figure that's training to be a hero. You're gonna have to be around crowds of people A LOT. Believe me, I would know." He said, tilting his head downwards to look at her over his sunglasses.

"Yeah but you're different than me."
She shrugged.

"How so?"

"You know, you're... cool? Confident?"
She said, looking away with a frown.

"You'll get used to it. The crowd loves you, you might as well get over it now. There's no avoiding it."
He said, backing away from the parked bike.
"Come on, let's go."

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