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Tris Snow.

The thirteen year old student threw her long blue hair over her shoulder and glanced back. Sitting behind her was The twelve year old Tora Zhu.
Despite all her efforts, Tora never paid too much attention to Tris.

Tris looked at her fellow student for a moment, leaning back in her chair. "Psst, hey Tora?" She whispered, the other girl glanced up. Looking at Tris in confusion.

"Uh... What?"
She whispered back.

"Your birthday is tomorrow right?"
Tris asked with a smile. Tomorrow was a Saturday, they didn't have school so Tris figured she would bring it up now.

"Yes. Why? How did you know that?"
Tora asked, tilting her head.

"It was on the board at the beginning of the year. So what are you doing to celebrate?"
She asked. Tris had remembered of course, she had written down the birthdays of everyone they had seemed important. Tora Zhu being one of them.

"Nothing really, just a small family thing."
Tora shrugged. "Eating cake and opening presents with my sister."

"You have a sister?"
Tris asked.

Tris of course already knew this, the twins left school together everyday without fail. Walking alone together.

"Yeah, I have a twin. Aiko."
Tora said, she smiled as she warmed up to the conversation. "She's pretty awesome."

"I totally wish I had a twin! It's like having a built in best friend right? I'm an only child. It's just me and my dad." She explained.

"Yeah well, it's pretty great having a sister. I don't know my dad anymore though." Tora shrugged.

"That's sad, hey... If you want too maybe we could hang out tomorrow? For your birthday?" Tris asked hopefully.

"Oh... Uh no thanks. I'm probably just going to spend the day with Aiko."

And that's how it went. Every time. Tora warmed up to Tris at school, but she never let the friendship get any farther than that. They never saw each other outside of classes.

Tris was okay with that, though she couldn't help but be jealous of this mystery twin sister, Aiko. Having Tris all to herself, hanging out with her and being her best friend. While Tris walked home alone, sat in her room alone. Her dad working long hours, she only saw her mom once a month. And sometimes she didn't even seem concerned with visiting then. Her father had gotten custody of her in the divorce. He was a good man, but he wasn't suited to be an only father.

But soon he got married. To a woman that was several years younger than him, Danielle. She wasn't more than ten years older than Tris. And she took up all of Mr snow's free time.

Tris was a lonely soul. Her only friend was Tora, and that didn't extend past school hours.

And soon, that friendship was cut short.

Tris glanced out the window of the school. The two twins started to walk away. She looked away before she could see Tora go back. Tris walked to a vending machine and brought herself a soda for the walk home. She started to walk out the entrance when she saw a Zhu twin bolt to the door of the school.

It wasn't Tora.

No Tris would have been able to tell. This was the other twin, Aiko.

Why was she running?

She heard a commotion.
"Oh my God look!"
A girl screamed, Tris looked to where the horrified girl was pointing.

The roof.

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