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Aiko took a deep breath, she was about to walk through the door. Into the hallway.
In between classes.

Sure most students stayed in one classroom and the teachers switched. But there were still several students like her who had different schedules and classes that had different breaks.

She took a deep breath.

And opened the door, she walked into the hallway and right away spotted three students. Two boys walking side by side who saw her and obviously recognized her. But they didn't say anything, just looked away.
But the third was a girl with hair pulled up in pigtails.

She gasped when she saw Aiko but quickly seemed to try and conceal it. She looked away and then back at Aiko with big wide eyes. The poor girl was obviously trying to hide her surprise and excitement.
Aiko said nervously and the girl practically melted.

The girl squeaked out all at the same time. Her words were a jumped mess that Aiko could barely understand.

She then promptly ran away quickly like Aizawa was going to magically appear behind Aiko and expell her for expressing her admiration.
Then as Aiko stared at her the girl spun around, ran back and threw her arms around Aiko in a tight hug.

"I'm sorry! I love you! Bye!"
The girl then sped down the hall.

'Alright then.'
Aiko thought, walking down the hall to class 1B. She sighed and rubbed her eyes. Too tired for this crap.
She was dreading this for several reasons.

First off the students. Ew.
Second off Kendo knows that she's not only bi, but also had a pathetic crush on her in middle school. Cringe.
And third off Vlad was definitely her least favorite teacher and he totally hated her for no reason. Rude.

So she knew this wasn't going to be very fun.

She slowly opened the door and stepped in, closing it behind herself before someone else walked through the halls and tried to hug her randomly.

"Sup little listener!"
Aiko turned to see Present Mix sitting on the teachers desk. Vlad nowhere in sight.
"I'm like totally subbing for Vlad yo!"

Her anxiety seemed to lessen slightly. She tried to ignore the fact that everyone in the room was staring at her.
"Oh... that's cool."
She said quietly, fidgeting with her hands.

"You ight? You seem tired."
Mic asked with slight concern.

"Yeah no I'm fine! Totally fine! Just a little tired." Aiko shrugged.
'Maybe he'll let me sleep in class! He's much nicer than vlad.'
She thought hopefully.

"Did you get any sleep last night?"
He asked and Aiko looked to the side with a sheepish smile.

"Uh... a little?"
She said. Very little, a teeny tiny little amount. In fact now that she was really thinking about it she didn't really sleep the night before last either.

Wow she hadn't slept more than a few hours in the last two days. That would explain her lightheadedness, foggy brain and irritable mentality!

"How little?"

'What are you a cop?'
She thought with a frown.

"I'm not sure, probably half an hour. I'm really fine though."
She said very nervously.
'Too much attention, let me sit down now please!'

"I'll tell you what."
Mic said, pulling out a notepad.
"You take this note and go get some rest in recovery girls office, you need it."
He said, handing her the paper she took notice of a small tattoo on his wrist, it was a black crescent moon.

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