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"But what would she think of you now Aiko? Being a part of the system that failed her constantly?" Shigaraki tried again. "The Heroes, they're cruel. Surely you must've noticed that by now. They failed to protect your sister, and yourself on several occasions. Why would you help them?"

"You're wrong again, my sister was failed by her peers and by her school. That had nothing to do with heroes, in fact heroes inspired my sister. More than you could ever imagine, they're likely the only reason she lived to thirteen." Aiko shook her head with a laugh. "And Heroes failing to protect me? You say that but you're not saying who they failed to protect me from. It's people like you and your group of misfits that I needed protection from. Why would I come and join you after everything?"

Shigaraki started to scratch his neck and mutter to himself. Did he really think she would be this easy to sway? That all he would have to do was spew some manipulative nonsense and she'd join them without a second thought.
"Heroes... They brainwashed you... They want you all to themselves! You know how much influence you have over people? They're using you for it, can't you see?"
He asked, scratching his neck. His nails left red lines on his pale skin.

"And you're not? Why is it that you want me? You can't actually expect me to believe it's because you feel bad for me. I know a publicity stunt when I see one."
She said, narrowing her eyes. "You don't actually think I'm THAT dumb do you?"

"The heroes didn't even fucking know who she was at first!! They protected her long before they every Fucking found out who she really was. This is all just bullshit!!!" Bakugou yelled.

Shigaraki stood up, seemingly giving up on Aiko. "This is why boss said not to take her, I should have listened to him." He mumbled, rubbing his neck a jaw. "Stupid bitch."

Aiko started to ignore him. She had obviously made him mad, and he was clearly unstable. He could snap and kill her any second, though that wouldn't help him get Bakugou on his side.

He turned up the volume on the news, showing a press conference with the UA teachers. Aizawa was there, looking nicer than usual. In a suit with his hair pulled back in a ponytail.

She wasn't really listening though, they were currently talking about Bakugou. She glanced at the screen They were talking about doing everything they could to find them. How they were two very strong students that wouldn't break. They were friends and if all else fails they would protect each other until the pros showed up.

But how long would that be?

Did they even have any idea where they were? How to find them?

The pros have been looking for the league for months, surely if they and any leads they would have shut them down the moment they found it.

If only she could do something, if not to fight then to lead the heroes to them.

She had never tried to manipulate the weather when she wasn't outside. She assumed it was possible because when she was upset it would change on its own. Wouldn't that mean she could do it on purpose too?

She could try, but she had to do so quickly and quietly. If the villains noticed something they'd put a stop to it. Even if that means killing her.

Most were focused on Bakugou as Shigaraki attempted to persuade him into joining their cause. They had pretty much given up on Aiko, ignoring her for now.

All but Dabi, who seemed to have his mind set on staring at her. Watching her every mood. Aiko figured the only reason he gave a damn about her was because she had beaten him in a fight. Or because he was just a pervert in general.

He would be harder to fool than the others. He was already paying attention to her, and he noticed small details. She glanced up at him, for the first time since he walked across the room. He noticed immediately and smirked at her, his eyes were half closed. He looked really lustful, even with her across the room.

He slowly looked up and down her body, taking in every curve of her body. She was suddenly very glad they weren't alone, that it hadn't just been him who kidnapped her. She hated to think this, but she had been lucky in that aspect. He wouldn't do anything without permission from his 'boss' other than trying to make her uncomfortable. But she could use ethics to her advantage.

She waited for him to look away from her lap and chest, and back up to her face with a sly smile. 'Pervert.' Aiko thought but she used this as an excuse to look down and cover her face with her hair.

He'd assume she was scared or embarrassed, but in reality she was just trying to hide the look of concentration on her face. They thought she was just a silly little girl. They wanted her for her fame nothing else. If she pretended to break down it would boost their egos while she was actually doing her best to save herself and her friend.

'That's right.'
She thought carefully.

'Think I'm pathetic, it'll be your downfall.'

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