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A/N: hey there will be some scary themes in the next few chapters (cus you know, they've been kidnapped) just a little warning.

Aiko had been conscious for several minutes. She was attached to a chair. Her arms and legs bound down, she had a metal gag thing over her mouth, she could only imagine it looked similar to what Bakugou had been wearing at the sports festival.

Speaking of Bakugou, he was there too. At least she assumed it was him. She could hear the villains talking about them, and the other hostage beside her kept moving, jerking and growling. Sounded like Bakugou to her. Aiko kept her head down and her eyes closed. Listening intently.
There were a lot of other people in the room from what she could tell. She could only identify one female by the sound of her voice. She wasn't sure about the others, not all of them were talking.

"Oh! I wish she'd wake up already!"
The girl whined. Was she talking about Aiko? Probably. The tied up girl tried not to flinch. The longer she faked being asleep, the longer she had to figure a plan out. If not to escape then a strategy to keep herself and Bakugou alive.

"She seems so much nicer than the boy! We can be best friends! And braid each other's hair! And drink each other's blood!" She giggled.

'Yeah no thanks. Thanks for the offer tho'
Aiko thought. She sounded really psycho, well they all were. She just voiced her thoughts more than the others.

"Mph! HUMPH!"
Bakugou said beside Aiko. No one knew what he was saying.

"Where are my manners?" A voice hissed. She recognized it vaguely. The image of Shigaraki flashed in her head. "Dabi, why don't you take off the boy's gag. It's not very hospitable of us to keep him like that."

Aiko heard footsteps coming closer. Along with grumbling. They stopped right next to her, in front of Bakugou. Aiko refused to let herself move an inch, or make a sound.

The sound of moving fabric told Aiko that 'Dabi' was bending down. She smelled smoke and burnt flesh. "Don't you dare bite me kid." A grumbling voice said to Bakugou. It was the fire elemental she had fought in the woods with Tris.

So they managed to get him back when they took her? She still didn't know what happened. One second she was looking around after hearing footsteps in the trees, the next she was awake tied to a chair in some musty room.

"WHAT THE HELL IS ALL THIS ABOUT HUH?! LET US GO BEFORE I BLOW YOU ALL BACK TO HELL!!!" Bakugou suddenly screamed beside Aiko. Aiko almost jolted at the sudden volume.

Bakugou didn't get a response, she could hear him growling and snapping his teeth like a chained up wolf. "I said no biting." Dabi said.

He hadn't moved from his crouched position. Aiko felt anxiety bubbling deep in her gut. 'Don't. Move. Aiko.' She ordered herself.

She heard him move.
"What about the bitch?"
He asked, Aiko almost gagged when she felt a warm, rough hand being placed on her thigh. Her head beat sped up, she became very aware of the fact that she was wearing shorts. Her jean shorts were also pretty pulled up in this position, meaning she had a lot of leg exposed.

"What about her?"
The leader asked impatiently.

"Want to wake her up?" Dabi asked, from the tone of his voice and the twitching of his fingers Aiko assumed he really wanted his boss to give him permission.

Aiko tried to keep her breathing steady, he was close enough to notice if she was awake. One wrong move and they'd know, then whatever sick game they wanted to play would start and Aiko didn't know if she was ready for that.


"Or what?" He asked gruffly, his hand moving up and in ever so slightly. Aiko held in a whimper, but couldn't hold in one quick intake of breath.

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