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Aiko finally woke up after hours of being unconscious. All memories of what happened while she was asleep were just foggy dreams.

"AIKO!"  A voice cried out once she sat up. "Aiko my baby! I'm so glad you're awake. I-I was so worried! Oh God!" Her mother kissed her forehead over and over again. "I didn't know if I'd ever see you again. My precious angel!"

"Mom!" Aiko said, hugging her mom back.

"Are you alright? Do you need anything? How do you feel?! How's your head? Do you still feel drowsy?!" Her mom peppered her with questions.

"I-I'm fine mom! Really I am." Aiko said with a shy smile.

"Oh my baby. I was so worried for you. We all were! E-everyone was!" She said, planting a final kiss on her forehead. "How do you feel baby? For real?"

"I'm not tired, I feel like I've been asleep for days... How long was I out? A-and what happened?" Aiko asked, rubbing her head. Everything from that night was fuzzy.

She remembered being kidnapped, waking up. That creepy guy "Dabi" and the rest of the villains. She remembered creating lighting balls and using Morse code... She remembered them turning on the TV and...

And that's where she drew a blank. Everything after that was black until this moment.

"You were rescued." A male voice said. Mr Tadashi, sitting beside her mother. "Some pro heroes found you and fought the league. Though the villains somehow managed to escape. You were brought to the hospital by one of your classmates." He explained. "You had a concussion how do you feel? Any headache or nausea?"

"I'm a little nauseous... And my head hurts but it's not that bad."

"You suffered some pretty bad blows to the head." Her mom said, gently touching the side of Aiko's head.

"Oh..." Aiko mumbled, she didn't remember that. "What about Bakugou? Is he safe?"

"He's fine. Stayed here all night, until his mom finally drug him back to their house. They were both worried, Mrs Bakugou gave her best wishes." Her mother said shyly.

"But he's okay? He isn't hurt is he?"
Aiko asked.

"Yes he's alright. In perfect health and as... Loud as he usually seems to be. He was really worried for you though."

Aiko smiled. "That sounds about right." She said softly. "So? What's going to happen now? Do I need to stay here? what about UA?" She asked. What was going to happen after that attack? They had faced criticism before for the USJ attack. Even when no students were injured by villains. But now that two had been kidnapped?

What were they going to do?

"I'm not sure yet. Your teachers have asked to meet with us tomorrow though, I suppose we'll know then. That is... If you still want to attend. Aiko it's your future and your decision but... You must think about this." Her mother begged. "It seems to be getting riskier and riskier for you every day."

"I know... But not all of that is UA's fault." Aiko said. She rubbed her eyes. "Maybe I shouldn't have done this. Maybe showing my face was a mistake." She mumbled.

"Even if it was you've already made it."
Mr Tadashi said. "There isn't much point in regretting it now. Now is the time to think about the future."

"I guess you're right... And with everything going on I think staying at UA is the best choice... I mean I can't just stay at the house all of the time right? Going out period is dangerous for me... UA has been teaching me how to be stronger and how to protect myself. It's more useful than any other school I could go to." Aiko said.

"She's right. The only other option would be to send you overseas for schooling, where you're not as well known." Tadashi said. "I'm not telling you to do it, but you should consider all options."

"Thank you Mr. Tadashi. But I think I've already decided." Aiko said with a smile.

"I want to stay at UA."


The meeting between the family and Aiko's teachers was different from expected. Fist off her mother had neglected to mention to fact that All Might had retired on account of a horrible fight after her and Bakugou were rescued.

Aiko tried to fight it, but a small voice in the back of her mind told her it was her own fault.

Like I said, she tried to fight it.

Now after only a few months Aiko had to once again move. Packing up her things and heading to a foreign place. She had never lived without her mother. Who seemed beside herself with worry for Aiko. But she wouldn't be alone, she'd be living with all of her friends. Well all but Nishi.

Nishi hugged her tightly at the entrance.
"This all sucks ass. I feel like you just moved in, and now you're leaving." She mumbled, pulling away. "Stupid Villains. And stupid school, I really don't see why you have to go. Our house is just as safe as this dump."

Mr Tadashi said, his tone telling her to shut up. She didn't need to make this harder than it already was.

"But I guess it could be cool for you..." Nishi shot her dad an aggravated glance. "Living with your other friends and all. But you have to promise not to like them more than me!"

Aiko smiled.
She said, hugging her friend again.

They pulled apart and Aiko hugged her mom again. "Bye mom." She said. Her mom wiped her eyes, not wanting Aiko to see her cry.

All of Aiko's luggage had already been taken in, all but one final bag. Her hero suit.
"You study good okay? Be good sweetheart! A-and train a-and take care of yourself okay?" Her mom sniffled. "Listen to your teachers and make sure you're eating at Les three meals a day."

Mr Tadashi put an arm around Chiyo's shoulders. "Stay safe Aiko." He said, giving her a nod.

"Yes sir."
Aiko said. Wiping her eyes.
"Well I better go in now... Don't wanna be late, Mr Aizawa will be pissed... I'll see you guys soon." She said, giving them a small wave. "I love you guys."

"I love you too baby."
Her mother said, giving her a shaky smile.
"Call me as often as you can."

"I will mom, I promise."

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