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They were staring at the door.

They were ALL staring at the door. Most were chatting but all of their attention was on it, watching and waiting.

"I still don't understand."
Todoroki mumbled.
"Why is this so important?"

"Because Aiko is famous!"
Uraraka said, whispering back to him.

"Yes, I sort of understand that now. But why is that important?"
He asked, tilting his head.

"Because... it is! I've never met a celebrity before!"
Uraraka said.

"Yes... you have. You've met Aiko, she goes to school with us."
Todoroki frowned.
"You do remember that she goes to school with us right?"

"Of course I do! But this is the first time she's coming in as a celebrity!"

"No, that's not true. From what I know she's always been a celebrity correct? So you have met her. You just didn't know she was famous."
Todoroki said with visible confusion.
"She is still herself, right? Or do you this this will trigger a transformation? Like... a butterfly?"

"No! Well I mean... maybe? I don't know it's just exciting okay?!"
Uraraka groaned.
"How do you not understand that?!"
She asked in frustration.

"I hate to say this but Icy-hot is right. She's not a fucking different person! She's still the normal damn person that you idiots have known for months!"
Bakugou said, propping his feet up on the desk and tilting his head back.

"Yeah but maybe she has changed, do you thinks she's been... you know, acting? Maybe she's not nearly as shy as she pretends."
Momo said.

"Ribbit, yeah. I mean if I was trying to pretend like I wasn't famous I would probably lay low too, I wouldn't blame her. Maybe she'll be different now?"
Tsu said with a finger to her chin.

Denki bit at the dry skin of his bottom lip. What if they're right? What if Aiko turns into some vain celebrity that thinks she's better than them? He didn't really want to lose his friend.

But then again he wouldn't blame her. She's literally so awesome, and has like... fans already. Like... she was practically worshipped by basically every teenage girl in the country.
Hell he wouldn't hang out with himself if he had that type of popularity.

She would have her pick of anyone in the school to be friends with to... to date.

Chicks and dudes will probably be begging to go out with her after this.

He wasn't even close eto her radar now.

"Oh come on, she's not like that guys! If I know her, which I think I do. She'll hate the attention."
Kirishima said.

"But how do you know if you know her?!"
Toru asked, no one could see her expression of course but they could hear the urgency in her tone.
Like she wanted to believe him.

"I mean... I knew that she was A.Z. way before yesterday, and she never acted any different towards me."
Kirishima shrugged and clicked his pen.

"I literally DON'T care either way! Plus it's not like she'd be a jerk! I know Aiko and A.Z really well! And I know NEITHER of them would be mean-"

The door opened and every head swiveled to look at it as the door was slowly pulled open.

You could hear a pen drop it was so silent.
You could cut through the tense air with a knife if you wanted too.

Every eye turned.

Todoroki looked with his usual unimpressed expression.

Denki fidgeted with his pen, clicking it over and over again.

Bakugou just scoffed and glanced over.

Mina bounced up and down in anticipation.

They watched as someone stepped in. Holding their breath.

Until they saw that it was a shaggy haired man with a musty grey scarf wrapped around his neck.
"You guys are being weirdly quiet."
He said with a glare.

"Damn it Mr Aizawa!!!! We thought you were Aikoooo!!"
Mina whined and the tension snapped. She slumping back and fiddled with her phone.

Mr Aizawa rolled his eyes and sighed as the bell rang through the halls.

"Is she skipping?!"
Sero asked with a gasp.
"What a diva!"

He didn't say it in a mean way, more like in a way of admiration.

"She better not."
Aizawa mumbled, shuffling papers.
"As far as I know she's coming, she was however given permission to come in late."

Mina said, with a smile.
"To avoid people?"
She guessed and Aizawa nodded.

He turned to them.
"Given the nature of our school we have a very strict policy that will be enforced. If you've read through our guidelines then you know that recording or taking photos of someone without their consent is strictly prohibited. A long with any type of harassment.
These rules are even more enforced when it comes to students with a celebrity status. The punishment can range from detention to expulsion."
Aizawa said in his normal monotone voice.

"Yes sir!"
The class yelled in unison. Though none of them had been planning on harassing Aiko.
They just wanted to talk with her.

After just a few more moments the door slowly opened. The classes eyes snapped to the door all at the same time.

If they were expecting a hyper YouTube star with glamorous makeup, perfect hair and a fine tuned outfit to waltz in they were solely mistaken.

Aiko stepped in looking... well she wasn't at her best but she also wasn't at her worst.
Her hair seemed like it was almost done drying, like she had just showered recently. She had no makeup, so her slight eyebags were clearly visible. She was slightly slumped over and she looked...


She looked around and her face went bright red. Whether from the attention of from the embarrassment of looking this disheveled.
She looked over at Aizawa who just raised an eyebrow at her.

Aiko mumbled a 'sorry for being late.' To Mr Aizawa and shuffled to her desk. Sitting down and laying her head on her desk.

They all stared at her.

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