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Thunderstruck wasn't the most empathetic person. He paraded into the crowd with Aiko slinking behind them like she hadn't just told him how much she hated this.

The people whispered, Aiko was glad that Thunderstruck was more famous than she was. He took most of the attention from her.

"Wait... A.Z. and thunderstruck are working together?! That's awesome!"

"Wow he took on a celeb as a intern?"

"I bet once she graduates she'll become his side kick."

"Their quirks are so similar! I can't wait to see them in combat together!"

"I wonder if I can get a picture with both of them!"

"I wonder if they're related? They're quirks are similar."

"Uh... look at her? These no way they're related."

Thunderstruck waltzed down the deck like he couldn't hear a thing. Aiko nervously followed, giving a shy smile to anyone that came close to her.

"We should really work on your confidence." Thunderstruck said, leaning backwards to whisper to her.

They got towards the end of the deck. Over the waters of the ocean, Aiko looked at the end and saw that instead of railing there was yellow and black caution tape blocking off the top of the boardwalk. Along with several signs warning people to keep their distance.

Aiko played with her hair, dispite the fact that she had pulled it into a braid before leaving it was already loose and tangled from the ride and the helmet that she had been wearing. She pulled her fingers through the tangled hairs and then pulled it back into a ponytail.

"I'm sorry but..."
Aiko turned to see a group of teens. A girl with blonde hair at the front.

She asked, holding out her phone.

"Oh! Um..."
She glanced up at thunderstruck who raised an eyebrow in a way that said "wtf are you looking at me for?" She smiled.
"Of course!"
She said and the group crowded around her. She held up a peace sign and smiled for the picture.

"Thank you!"
A brunette in the group squealed as they walked away.

"Wow, you got asked before me. Interesting."
Thunderstruck said, walking away from her towards a food stand. It smelled great, Aiko wasn't sure what it was though.
He placed a hand on the counter and smiled leaning in.

"Oh! Why you're the hero Thunderstruck! W-what could I help you with sir?"
The woman at the stand asked.

"Yes I am ma'am, and you could help me by showing me that beautiful smile~"

Aiko blushed and looked away.
'Bruh stop flirting with her!'
She thought awkwardly.

"Sir! I am a married woman!"
The woman said playfully, though Aiko could tell she was really flattered.

"Well your partner is lucky. I've been craving some tempura, could you help me with that?" He asked, ordering with a smile.

"Yes of course, and your friend?"
The woman said, glancing at Aiko.

"Uh, she'll have one too."
He shrugged, Aiko was glad he had ordered for her. She wouldn't have known what to say though.

Aiko watched a mother and a small toddler boy, barely walking. He was holding onto his mother's hand with one of his cuddly fists and holding onto a pinwheel with the other. He blew on it to make the shiny plastic spin around and laughed when it did. He listed it up to show his mom, who nodded at him absently. She was on her phone.

Aiko looked away and turned her attention back to her mentor who was waiting for his food. Passing the time by chatting with strangers. The crowd chattered and got pretty close in, Aiko took notice of the phone that were out snapping pictures of them.

She cringed slightly. This wasn't UA, this was a public space. People could take pictures if they wanted too.
She ignored them, turning her head to look out at the ocean. She didn't know what she should be doing right now. Engaging with the crowd? Looking around for suspicious people? For villains? Or offering Thunderstruck Money for the food. Was he planning on paying or-

"No! Tadao Don't Go Over There!!"
The yelling was ignored over the crowd but Aiko's head turned slightly, trying to see where it was coming from.
Her first thought was the edge, that place had originally struck her as dangerous.

Right as she turned she head a female scream and saw a toddler trip. Falling right over the edge.

She bolted, some people in the crowd gasped and moved closer to see over the edge but Aiko abruptly ignored them. She didn't think as she abandoned Thunderstruck, who had half a piece of tempura in his mouth. She jumped over the security tape without hesitation and allowed gravity to pull her down.

She saw some bubbles and a floating pinwheel below her as she fell. She straightened her legs and swung her arms so she would land feet first in the water. The weather was fairly warm, but the Ocean water was still icy.

She squinted her eyes and swam straight down. Propelling herself with her arms and legs. She held her breath and her lungs started to burn after a few seconds, she reached down and grabbed the boy just below her. Gripping the straps of his overalls and pulling him closer to her.

The kid was young and obviously couldn't swim, but he was smart enough to be holding his breath. His chubby cheeks were filled with air and he struggled and kicked, trying to get back above water.

Aiko grabbed him and held him with one arm with swimming up with the other. She wasn't an expert swimmer, but she managed to make it above water again.

Her head broke the surface and she gasped. The first thing she did was lift Tadao above water so he could breath. He choked a little and spit up some water but he was breathing with ease.

There was a weird noise above her but she ignored it. She felt the wind above her and used it to slowly pull her and the boy from the water, back onto the pier.

The crowd that had gathered by the edge immediately parted and that's when Aiko recognized the sound.

It was clapping, and cheering coming from the crowd. The moment they saw her and the boy emerge from the deep blue water they cheered for the young hero.

Aiko gently placed the boy on his feet after checking to see if he was alright. He nodded, his chubby cheeks bouncing with every move of his head. Aiko smiled at him and gave his head a pat before he ran back to his mother. She scooped him up immediately and frantically kissed his head.

Aiko nervously stood back up and the mother walked over to her.
"Thank you! Thank you so much! You saved my little boy!"
She said, hugging Aiko with one arm.

"Oh! Y-you're welcome ma'am!"
She said awkwardly.

The crying woman pulled away and bowed to Aiko before walking away, saying something to her son about getting him some dry clothes.

Aiko turned to the crowd, face red. Her adrenaline was gone and she was left shaking against the cold.

She felt a hand on her shoulder.
"Nice job not thinking."
Thunderstruck said, handing her a tempura Skewer.

She looked over at him.
"Would you stop taking selfies?!"

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