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Aizawa and Detective Naomasa spoke quietly with each other before entering the medical room Hagakure was currently resting in.
Discussing their next course of action. Speak to Hagakure as though she was the victim, discover any information they could from her with his lie detector quirk without her knowing.

And somehow get a confession to any crime they could use in court. Unfortunately just knowing she was lying wouldn't actually count as evidence. Seeing as it was his word against hers.

They nodded at each other and walked in.
Hagakure was laying down in the bed. The detective immediately took note on how she reacted when they came in. Immediately put a hand to her head and made her body slip down to a more dramatic position.
'Trying to look like she's in more pain than she actually is.' He mentally noted.

"Hagakure, How are you recovering."
Aizawa asked. He wasn't being more gentle than he normally would, him doing something too out of character might make her suspicious.

"Oh H-Hi Mr Aizawa, I-I'm fine really."
She whimpered as she sat up.
"W-who is this? I d-don't know if I'm up for visitors at the moment."

"This is Mr Naomasa, he's a detective."
Aizawa introduced.

The detective nodded at her respectfully.

"Oh a detective, why Mr Aizawa? Please I promise I've done nothing wrong." She said.


Detective Naomasa clicked his pen as he sat down. Signalling to Aizawa what he already knew. She had lied.

"We know that miss Hagakure. I'm just here to ask you a few questions about your classmate Aiko. Is that alright with you?"
He asked her. Aizawa stood behind his chair and nodded at his student, encouraging her to reply.

"O-oh, I suppose so. I might have a hard time talking though, my jaw really does hurt." She whined. Aizawa glanced at Naomasa.

No click.

She really was in pain.

"W-where is Aiko?"
She asked Innocently. Without Naomasa's quirk they would have had an impossible time trying to read her. She had no expressions and therefore gave nothing away.

"She's being held at a police station until father notice." Aizawa answered.

The detective fought the urge to click his pen. He was lying.

"She can't hurt you from there."
The teacher continued.

"Oh that's good, I sure was scared back there." She said, rubbing her face. They assumed it was where her eyes were located.

No click. Truth, she had been scared.

"We understand that Hagakure, and we're all glad you're safe now. Do you feel comfortable being asked a few questions?"

"Yes of course, detective."
She nodded.


"Alright let's see..." The detective said, pulling out a notebook. "Do you have any idea what might have prompted Miss Zhu's attack earlier this morning?"

"No!" She cried out. Click. "It was so strange! I never expected her to do something like that!" No click. Aiko truly had the element of surprise. Hagakure had underestimated both her and Kaminari.

"Have you two ever had any disagreements? Something that happened even a while back that could have caused such an unnecessary reaction?" He asked her. Glancing up.

"No, not that I can recall! I thought we've always been good friends!" Click. "We've never had any problems with each other, in fact I really liked her. I thought she was really sweet." Click.
She made her tone sound disappointed and then sniffled. "I guess I was wrong." She said as though this fact broke her heart.

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