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Aiko sat at her desk, lunch break had just started and Aiko wasn't planning on getting up and leaving. Maybe she should take a nap, but she also hadn't eaten since that ice cream at three in the morning and two of Hotoki's fries.

Uraraka screamed after opening the door. There was a commotion in the hallway and people squealed and yelled in excitement.

Aiko squeaked and shrunk down in her seat. She was wayyy too tired for this right now. And she hadn't ever really interacted with a group of fans before. Anxiety squeezed her chest as she looked around at her friends for help.
Denki moved to stand infront of her and block her from the crowds view.

She looked up at him but he was turned away with his arms crossed over his chest.

"What are you students doing clogging the hallways?"
Aizawa said, his hair flying above his head and his eyes glowing red as he activated his quirk.

"W-were here to see A.Z- Aiko Zhu S-sir!"
One girl at the front said nervously while the rest agreed.

Aizawa's eyes looked beady and intimidating as he spoke.
"Aiko Zhu is a student here at UA high. She's here to learn, NOT, to entertain you. If you would like to bother and fawn over her you'll have to do it off of school campus and outside of school hours. You are to treat her as your fellow student and nothing more while she is in this building. Do you understand?"
He said, tilting his head backwards slightly. Looking down on the girl like she was as insignificant and weak as an ant.

"Yes sir!"
She said bowing.
"I'm sorry sir!"

"The same goes for the rest of you, if you bother Zhu or make her uncomfortable in anyway you will be punished with suspension or expulsion immediately. Now clear the halls before I start passing out detention slips."
He said and the crowd of students immediately scrambled away to the cafeteria.

Aiko let out a breath and looked over at Aizawa. "T-thank you sir!"
She said quietly from her desk.

He just ignored her and walked out once the halls were clear. Her friends started to get up but then stopped, looked at each other and the Aiko.
"So what's the plan?"
Sero asked, leaning against a desk.

Aiko said, tilting her head.

"Yeah, what are you doing?"
Sero said.

"Are you gonna stay here or..."
Kirishima said, looking around.

"Oh! I-I'll probably just stay in here... for today... but you guys can go ahead to the cafeteria! Really I don't mind! I'll probably just end up going to sleep anyways!"
Aiko said with a smile.

"What?! No! We're not leaving you!"
Mina plopped down in Todoroki's chair.

"But I'm sure you guys are hungry."
Aiko said with a frown.

"Then... Kirishima and Bakugou can go get our food!"
Mina volunteered the two boys.

"Why the hell would I do that?!"
Bakugou scoffed.

"Come on bakubro! It's the manly thing to do!" Kirishima said, puffing out his chest.

Bakugou groaned and Kirishima took orders, Sero ended up volunteering to go because he didn't trust them to get his food right.

After the boys got back Aiko ate her food quickly because she was totally starving. Then she stole some of Jirou's dumplings, though the purple haired girl didn't seem to mind.

They spent awhile talking about the internships and who got offers from what agencies.
Aiko excused herself to go to the bathroom, silently hoping the halls would be empty.

They were mostly empty, most students were in the cafeteria or the library. Leaving the hallways bare.
She quickly walked through, looking around anxiously as though some strangers were going to appear out of nowhere and start harassing her.

She kept her head down as she walked through the halls. Eyes on her feet.

Until she heard other footsteps infront of her. She looked up, to see who was walking towards her. Her heartbeat quickening.

But then when she saw who it was her heart slowed.
It was Shinso.
Her heart quickened again when she remembered the sports festival.

If he saw her he didn't do anything to show it. He had no reaction, just looked out the wide windows that stretched on the left side of the hallway.
She sat there anxiously, trying to think of what to say. Before it was too late.

They passed each other after an awkward silent moment of walking towards each other.
She turned and grabbed his arm suddenly, finally working up the nerve to talk to him.

"C-can I talk to you?"
She asked, Holding onto his sleeve.
He looked back at her with his normal tired purple eyes. Only to see her brown eyes with similar eyebags underneath.

He nodded and turned to face her completely. "Yeah we should probably talk."

"This won't work-"
They both said in almost perfect unison. Interrupting each other with the same exact words.

"Oh thank fuck."
Shinso ran a hand through his hair.
"I was really worried I was gonna hurt your feelings or something."

"No! N-no I get it! I'm really not ready for another relationship."
Aiko said, relieved that she didn't have to reject him.

"Yeah! And you know me... I'm not really the type of guy that... well that would want to date someone famous."
He said looking away.
"Not that there's anything wrong with with your... you know! I just wouldn't enjoy being in any sort of spot light."

Aiko's eyes widened.
"You know?"
She asked tilting her head.

"Uh... yeah? The whole school knows."
Shinso said frowning.

"Yeah! No! Sorry I forgot about that! It's been a rough few days."
Aiko shook her head.
"So we're good right? We're still friends and stuff?"

"Yeah totally! Totally. So you're a YouTuber? That's pretty cool."
Shinso said after nodding.

"Yeah, yeah it is. Though the attention has been a little much you know?"
She said with a nervous smile.

"Yeah I could see that. The whole school is freaked out over it. You should have heard the people in my class, they were super pumped or whatever."
Shinso said with a chuckle.

"They are?"
Aiko asked, tilting her head.

"Yeah, everyone is pumped to go to school with a celebrity. Well I mean.. not me because I know that you're a normal person and all. But really these kids idolize you."
He shoved his hands in his pockets.

Aiko said.
"Yeah I guess I should have expected that."
She mumbled bashfully.

"Well I'm hungry."
Shinso said suddenly.
"I guess I'll see you around then."
He said before walking off.

"Yeah, I'll see you around..."

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