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A/N: Trigger warning, Violence.
(The good kind)

Aiko twisted her hair into a ponytail. Denki had just left her dorm a few minutes ago. Now that he was gone she couldn't help but feel so...


She was more angry than she had ever been in her life. A burning fire had been left in her chest. After seeing her best friend cry for over an hour over a situation he felt could never be helped. Crying because he knew the person behind it wouldn't be punished like they deserved.

She hated her.

Aiko opened the drawer of her desk and took out a piece of paper she had left there. She shoved it in her pocket and walked out of her room.
She was going to put an end to this once and for all.

She walked through the dorms, her eyes scanning everywhere. She could be anywhere, she was probably in the Cafeteria in her uniform. But with her quirk, she could be hiding in plain sight.

She left the dorms without seeing any classmate. Starting the long walk to the main school building. Her hand still in her pocket, gripping the note in her palm.

"Can I borrow something from you?"

That bitch.

That mother fucking, lowlife, rapist, bitch.

"I'm going to fucking kill you <3"

'Not if I kill you first.'
Aiko wasn't going to actually kill her. It may seem like it from her thought process but she wouldn't go that far.

She just wanted Hagakure to feel pain. She wanted to HURT her, like she hurt Denki.
She was going to make her pay.

Because that's what he would do for her. Without a second thought. If she came to him with the same story she knew he would track down anyone who hurt her.

He was a good friend.

And he deserved way better.

Aiko walked into the cafeteria. She didn't see her friends but that was probably a good thing. They would stop her, and she didn't have to to explain why she was doing this. In fact she wouldn't tell them, if Denki wanted them to know he would have to tell them himself.

She wouldn't tell anybody why she was doing this. She knew that this would probably end her time at UA, and she didn't really care. She knew that if this got out (which it definitely would) A.Z would be criticized and probably even cancelled for something like this.

But she didn't care.

"Hi guys!"
She stopped at a table that Uraraka, Iida and Midoriya were sitting at.
"Do you guys know where Hagakure is?"
She asked with a polite smile.

"Oh good morning Aiko! I think she's towards the back, talking with some kids from 1-B!" Uraraka responded with a smile.
"Why? Did you need something?"

"Yeah I just need to show her something! Thanks Uraraka!" Aiko smiled and walked. Looking for that floating uniform that meant Hagakure was around.

She could get in a few good hits right? She had to act fast before everyone stopped her. She had to do it here, if she pulled Hagakure away she'd catch on. Aiko had the element of surprise right now and she wasn't going to let it go.

She saw her. Standing by a table that a couple people she recognized from 1B sat. Thank god Kendo wasn't there. Aiko wouldn't be able to do it if she was. Plus Kendo would immediately try to stop it.

She looked at the students Hagakure was talking too. She knew one thing about them... They liked drama. They loved drama. They were the types that wouldn't stop a fight, they would just watch it Happen.


Aiko stopped behind Hagakure. A fake smile on her lips. Anger, excitement and nervousness all bubbled in her veins. Feeling like electricity.

She tapped on her shoulder.
"Hey Hagakure!"
She said. The girl turned.

"Hiya Aiko! Did you need something?"
She asked. Aiko pulled the note out of her pocket and handed it over.

"Oh? What's this?"
She asked. Taking it acting as though she didn't recognize it.
She looked down at the paper in her hands and then...

All hell broke loose.

While her guard was down Aiko threw a hard right hook where she knew Hagakure's head was. The girl cried out in shock and so did every student around them close enough to see. Hagakure stumbled but didn't fall. Aiko grabbed her uniform and shoved her to the ground. Making sure her head hit a table on her way down.

A boy a few tables down screamed. Drawing every eye in the room to the two.

Aiko held onto Hagakure's collar with one hand while hitting her in the face repeatedly with her other. She felt skin twist and nails dig into her steady arm but she barely even flinched. She couldn't feel through the rage and adrenaline.
She was so angry her vision was blurry, but her aim wasn't off.

The students around them chanted.

Yeah they weren't going to be the ones to put a stop to it. How long until a teacher or upperclassmen came? One minute? Two?
That didn't matter right now.

Hagakure bent her back and tried to push off the floor with her legs. To get Aiko off and gain the upper hand.
But she couldn't get Aiko off, even with all of her bucking and jerking around. Aiko sat firmly over her.

Her knuckles were sore and busted. Though not quite as busted as Hagakure's face was. There was blood, coating Aiko's hands and Hagakure's face.

Aiko had never thought about it. She hadn't known if Hagakure's blood was visible or not. Turns out it was. She could see her features vaguely because of it.

A male voice yelled, Aiko felt someone grab her arm and she didn't fight as they pulled her off of the other girl.

Her work here was done.

"That's enough Zhu! That's enough."
She heard Aizawa, holding her back. But he didn't look mad.

He knew.

"Okay, I'm fine now."
She whispered. "Too much?" She asked him quietly. He could see that she had absolutely no regrets.
He grunted and pulled her through the crowd.

"Possibly." He said simply. She looked back to see Iida and recovery girl beside Hagakure. Who was still on the ground, judging by her clothes she wasn't moving too much.

Hopefully she wasn't dead.
Aiko thought. Not for Hagakure's sake, but for her own. She definitely didn't want to be known as a murderer.

She glanced around calmly to see hundreds of phone cameras on her and on the student on the ground.
She ignored them as Aizawa pulled her through the halls. They didn't say much.

"Are you mad at me?"
She asked him as she followed him. He had let go of her arm now and she just walked behind him.

"I should be."
He mumbled, turning the corner.

"Do you think I was wrong?"
She asked him. He didn't respond for a few seconds. Thinking.

He sighed and rubbed his eyes in frustration. "No. But this could have been done better. You should have left it to us."

Aiko puffed out her cheeks.
"Maybe. But she probably wouldn't have gotten more than expulsion. Maybe it was wrong but I just... I wanted her to feel pain for what she did."

"And you're probably right."
He agreed. "But for your own sake... It could have been done better."

"Do you think I'll be expelled?"
She asked quietly.

"That's not my decision. And I never know what Nezu is going to do." He said with another reluctant sigh.

"If it was your decision would you expell me?" She asked him curiously.

He stepped towards the door to the office and opened it for her.

"Probably not."

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