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"The viral video speaking about stain and his ideologies has sparked more than just social controversy."
The news caster spoke, her lips in a thin line. She seemed almost embarrassed to be telling this story. Given the fact that she had actually given some support to the idea of the video.

"It seems that several smaller villains inspired by Stain have popped up across Japan. There have been seven attacks in the past two days of people fighting in the name of the man deemed "the hero killer" ending in five hospitalizations."
Craig read from his paper.

"One attack that might be considered one of the most unfortunate was that of Musutafu's own celebrity Aiko Zhu. Or rather A.Z."
Karen bit her lip.
"The sixteen year old and a friend were walking down the street when they were attacked by a woman that said she was going to kill her in the name of Stain's ideologies.
Allegedly the woman let Zhu's friend leave and then attacked Zhu with a machete. Zhu managed to defend herself until she was rescued by the pro hero best jeanist."

Craig cleared his throat.
"Aiko Zhu was taken to a nearby hospital where she is still recovering from the attack. The woman responsible was found out to be Regina Chou, a psych patient that had escaped from a mental hospital only a month ago."

"This is the first case of a minor being sought out and  attacked for this reason. Aiko Zhu Isn't even a hero yet and she's already been put in danger due to Stains teaching.
Does this mean hero course students are in just as much danger as pros? Or does Zhu's fame make her a special case?"
Karen asked.

"Those are all great questions Karen, maybe they'll be answered in Chou's interview. Tune in tomorrow for the results."


"Alright, well Miss Zhu."
The doctor put away his otoscope.
"You won't be singing any solos for awhile, but with practice and voice exercises it will make a full recovery."
He said with a kind smile.

'Oh thank god.'
Losing her singing voice permanently had been one of her biggest worries.

"I recommend that for the next... two days you rest it. It'll be difficult to talk anyways, let it heal and visit your school's nurse every day so she can help with the process."
The doctor continued.

Aiko nodded and so did her mother beside her. Beatrice and Thunderstruck had gone back to his agency, after the man relentlessly apologized for everything and even paid Aiko's medical in full. It wasn't his fault in the slightest but he still seemed to feel guilty for what happened. He had been charged with keeping her safe at that time, so he felt responsible for her injuries.

Mr Tadashi had decided to give the two some space and left with Nishi and Hotoki for awhile. Though Nishi had been against the idea of leaving. Best jeanist had gone back to his agency yesterday to continue his job and Bakugou was forced to go collect his things at the end of his internship.

"Your arms might take longer to heal, but with recovery girl's quirk they'll be close to healing by summer break."
The doctor added.

"Thank you doctor."
Ms Zhu said, wrapping an arm around Aiko's shoulders. Aiko nodded in agreement.

The doctor nodded and left the room.
"Your voice will heal, that's good news."
Her mom said with a reassuring smile. Aiko nodded with a pleasant smile of her own.

She wanted to break down. Every second she felt the temptation to just sink away in the back of her mind.

But she couldn't do that, she couldn't let this get to her. That's what villains like that women wanted, they wanted her to give up and leave UA. Sticking to being and influencer.

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